Hissène Habré
The Trial of Hissène Habré
On May 30, 2016, former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré was convicted of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and torture, including sexual violence and rape, by the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Senegalese court system and sentenced to life in prison. On April 27, 2017, an appeals court confirmed the verdict and ordered Habré to pay approximately 123 million euros in victim compensation. The advent of the trial, 25 years after Habré was overthrown and fled to Senegal, was entirely due to the perseverance and tenacity of Habré’s victims and their allies. The New York Times has called the case “a Milestone for Justice in Africa.”
Reed Brody, who coordinated the case for Human Rights Watch, has written an account of how the case was developed and why it succeeded.
April 1, 2006
Options for Hissène Habré to Face Justice
Submission to the Committee of Eminent African Jurists
May 30, 2021
Ex-Chad Dictator’s Victims Denied Reparations
5 Years on, No Action on Court Orders in Hissène Habré Case
May 26, 2021
Hissène Habré’s Victims Continue Fight for Reparations
Five Years After Chadian Dictator’s Guilty Verdict, Victims Still Await Justice
January 26, 2021
African Union: No Reparations for Ex-Chad President’s Victims
4 Years After Hissène Habré’s Conviction, African Union Fails to Put in Place Victims’ Fund
May 29, 2020
Senegal/Chad: No Reparations for Ex-Dictator’s Victims
Four Years After Hissène Habré’s Conviction, African Union and Chad Fail Victims
October 23, 2019
Chad: No Redress for Ex-Dictator’s Victims
African Commission Should Press for Habré-Era Reparations
May 30, 2018
How the People of Chad Brought a Tyrant To Justice
Victims Played Key Role in Hissene Habré’s Reckoning
March 22, 2018
Chad: Government Fails Ex-Dictator’s Victims
3 Years On, No Action on Habré-Era Reparations
February 7, 2018
Hissène Habré Case: Trust Fund for Victims
December 6, 2017
Senegal: Video of Chad Ex-Dictator’s Trial
Hissène Habré’s Victims Seeking Reparations
April 27, 2017
Senegal/Chad: Court Upholds Habré Conviction
Decision Brings to a Close 26-Year Struggle for Justice