“They Threw Me in the Water and Beat Me”
The Need for Accountability for Torture in Rwanda

The ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) continues to target those perceived as a threat to the government. Several high-profile critics have been arrested or threatened and authorities regularly fail to conduct credible investigations into cases of enforced disappearances and suspicious deaths of government opponents. Arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture in official and unofficial detention facilities is commonplace, and fair trial standards are routinely flouted in many sensitive political cases, in which security-related charges are often used to prosecute prominent government critics. Arbitrary detention and mistreatment of street children, sex workers and petty vendors occurs widely.
The Need for Accountability for Torture in Rwanda
Congolese Army Puts Displaced People Around Goma at Greater Risk
Countries at Emergency Session Should Endorse Investigative Mechanism
Urgently Restore Access to Assistance; Protect Displaced People
Humanitarian Situation Rapidly Deteriorating
Wartime Abuses Rampant with Little Accountability
Landmark Trial of Prison Officials Begins to Crack the Wall of Impunity
Rwanda’s National Commission for Human Rights Failed to Protect Rights; GANHRI Should Reconsider its 'A' Status
Congolese Army Puts Displaced People Around Goma at Greater Risk
Abuses by the Congolese Army, Rwandan Forces, M23, and Other Armed Groups