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The 5 Most-Read Stories of the Week

The Philippines' 'War on Drugs
More than 12,000 people are estimated to have been killed in President Duterte's 'war' against drugs in The Philippines. It appeared for a brief moment that Duterte was relenting in his support of the campaign of extrajudicial murders, but recent statements suggest the killings will continue. Follow live updates in the crisis here.
Ethiopia's Abusive Surveillance
The Ethiopian government has doubled down on its efforts to spy on its critics, no matter where they are in the world.
The Devastating Impact of Trump’s Immigration Policy
A surge in immigration arrests of people living in the United States under the Trump administration is having a devastating impact on long-term immigrants with strong ties to the US.
Help Us End the Asylum Crisis on the Greek Islands
Winter is nearly here, and more than 15,500 asylum seekers are trapped on Greece’s islands in worsening weather conditions. Take action now and tell Greece to #OpenTheIslands!
The Latest on Israel and Palestine
With the region taking center stage in this week's news, catch up on our coverage and reporting through the years.

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Happy Human Rights Day!
This Sunday December 10 marks International Human Rights Day. In celebration and in recognition of the work of the human rights movement, 24 landmarks around the world will shine blue. Find out how you can get involved.

The Best from Social Media

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Good news! German pilots refusing to be involved in the deportations of failed asylum-seekers. "Flight crews said they did not want to participate in sending people back to Afghanistan, where violence is still rife."
Quote of the Week

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