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Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 22 April 2015

Bangladesh, EU migrants, #CARcrisis, censorship, UAE, Egypt, China, Turkmenistan, Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! This Earth Day, millions of people around the world will reflect on the beauty of nature and our interdependence with this fragile planet. Spare a moment to also remember that the fight to protect the environment is often a fight for accountability for rights abuses, and an ever more dangerous job for those on the front lines.
From this morning:
Two years after the catastrophic collapse of the Rana Plaza factory garment workers in Bangladesh still face poor working conditions and anti-union tactics, Human Rights Watch said in a new report today.
Human Rights Watch says the EU's 10-point plan on the Mediterranean migrant crisis is inadequate, and says there's no reason why the sea route should be the deadliest migrant route in the world. Outrage continues over the huge numbers of migrant deaths in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. At least 1,600 people have drowned so far this year and some predict as many as 30,000 could perish if current trends continue.
Muslim women and girls in the Central African Republic are being held captive and raped, with some even being used as sex slaves, Human Rights Watch said today.

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