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Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel is in Washington to discuss the impact of the US approach to Iran’s nuclear program on Israel’s security. But both the US and Israel should realize that Israel’s settlement construction program is also a security problem.
Facebook has updated its gender options away from just male and female, now allowing users to identify themselves however they wish. The move is an important step toward greater respect for people who identify outside of the male-female binary.
Thousands in Russia marched on Sunday after the murder of popular opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, gunned down in Moscow on Friday. An investigation has been opened into Nemtsov’s killing, but early signs of the investigation’s thoroughness and impartiality aren’t encouraging.
Afghanistan’s new government has announced peace talks with the Taliban. But if the country is to truly move forward, women must be included in the talks.
An immigration center in the UK has come under fire after cameras captured guards abusing and degrading detainees at the site, which houses nearly 400people.
From earlier today: Tens of thousands of people marched through central Moscow this weekend to honour opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead by unknown assailants on Friday. Nemtsov, an outspoken opponent of President Putin, had been due to lead an opposition march on Sunday but his killing turned the event into a mourning rally instead. An investigation into his murder has been opened, but Russia does not have a good track record investigating killings of Kremlin’s critics.

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