
Corrections to our publications

Human Rights Watch strives to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our reporting. This includes a commitment to correcting errors or clarifying facts that appear in our publications in a timely fashion. Corrections appear both on this dedicated webpage and at the bottom of the publication that contained the error.

We cannot reply individually to all corrections requests, but all such requests that specify the exact nature of the alleged inaccuracy and the publication (title, page number / web address and date) in which it appeared will be reviewed. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in our materials, please contact us.

Errors contained in social media posts under Human Rights Watch and staff accounts will also be corrected in a prompt and transparent manner.


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HRW Publications
Attention: Corrections to the Human Rights Watch Website

Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor
New York, NY 10118-3299


Recent Corrections

  • The following corrections were made on January 22, 2019: 

    Mannan was identified as the "ex-president, co-founder and publisher of Roopban," replacing "editor of Roopban". 

    It was indicated that Mahbub and Mannan were murdered in Mannan's apartment, not Mahbub's apartment. 

  • The original version of this dispatch stated that “Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, has not responded to Human Rights Watch’s letters raising these two cases.” Human Rights Watch only wrote one letter to Lam mentioning these two cases, to which her office did not reply. The corrected version now states that “Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has not responded  to Human Rights Watch concerns about the two cases.”

  • This press release has been corrected to reflect that the Awami League led Grand Alliance won 96 percent of contested parliament seats. According to the government, the ruling Awami League party alone won 258 of the 300 seats, that is 86 percent. 

  • November 26, 2018: A previous version of this joint release incorrectly stated that the number of non-Syrian refugees deported by General Security during 2018 was eight. The actual number of non-Syrian refugees deported by General Security during 2018 is seven.

  • This dispatch has been updated to correct Arash Sadeghi’s age. 

  • 18 October 2018: An earlier version of this press release misspelled the name of the Qabrikha Deputy Mayor. The current version has been updated with the correct spelling.

  • 8/2/2021: This version of the press release has been updated to clarify that Fars News Agency is close to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

  • This news release has been corrected to ammend the number of adults killed and wounded in the market for whom Human Rights Watch had documented full identifying information. The number of people who were killed and whose information we documented remains the same, at 34.

  • An earlier version of this news release misspelled the names of Abdolreza Kouhpayeh and Payam Derafshan.

  • An earlier version of this article stated that 422 members of the White Helmets were evacuated. It has been updated to reflect that this number includes both White Helmets and their relatives.