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Sudan: Human Rights Central to Any New Transition

HRW Statement - Item 2 ID on High Commissioner's Oral Update on the Sudan - HRC52

We welcome today’s discussions and the latest visits by the High Commissioner and the Designated Expert on human rights in Sudan.

As noted by the High Commissioner, human rights are central to any new transition in Sudan; and we urge states to ensure international monitoring and reporting on the rights situation in the country remains strong.

Since the military coup of October 25, 2021, security forces have killed at least 125 people and injured thousands, some of whom now struggle with life changing injuries. So far, no one has been held to account for these abuses. The coup leaders and security forces continue to crackdown on protests. Just this week, security forces shot dead an 18-year-old protester while detainees alleged to be involved in the killing of a military officer complained in court that  they had been recently mistreated in prison. Since late 2019, local populations in Darfur, notably those displaced, have faced waves of attacks and abuses including killings, destruction of houses and essential infrastructure, in an ongoing context of impunity. This year marks the twentieth anniversary since the start of the conflict.

Still ongoing is a political process to establish a new transition. Worryingly, so far, agreements made have failed to prioritize the rights and accountability agenda or to set timeframes around achieving key reforms. The process has sidelined key voices including protest groups and bodies representing victims’ families.

High Commissioner, as communities in Darfur continue to face the consequences of 20 years of impunity and Sudanese throughout the country taking to the streets to call for a rights-respecting future: what can be done to ensure progress on human rights and accountability for serious abuses remain central to any new transition in Sudan?

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