August 26, 2020
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
N.Y.S. State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Acting Commissioner Anthony J. Annucci
New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Building Two
1220 Washington Ave
Albany, New York 12226-2050
Re: Publication of DOCCS Corrections Officer Misconduct Records Following Section 50-a Repeal
Dear Governor Cuomo and Commissioner Annucci,
As civil and human rights organizations, community-based groups, public defenders and others across the state, we celebrated the repeal of 50-a of New York’s Civil Rights Law. This repeal was a critical step in lifting the veil of secrecy surrounding the institutionalized violence against Black, brown, and other marginalized persons by the criminal legal system. It brings New York in line with the 48 other states that do not keep such records secret and represents an important initial step towards fulfillment of your promise to lead “the most transparent administration in history.” It will provide incarcerated people access to fundamental facts about the injustices perpetrated against them, and provide the community with a tool for change.
This is why we also urge you to meet this commitment to transparency by issuing an executive order requiring the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (“DOCCS”) to create and maintain a database of corrections officer misconduct and disciplinary records online, freely available to the public by September 15, 2020. This database must include all “law enforcement disciplinary records” as defined by the amended Public Officer’s Law[1] as well as information about lawsuits relating to DOCCS staff misconduct within state prisons and must be updated every month with all qualifying documents. As you likely know, Mayor Bill de Blasio recently indicated that his administration would do the same for corrections officers employed by New York City’s Department of Correction (“DOC”).
Brutality against incarcerated people at the hands of DOCCS officers has been rampant for many years. Serious staff misconduct in DOCCS facilities -- widely reported by the New York Times, New York Daily News, and many other outlets -- includes assaults by staff such as the beating of Kevin Moore, who suffered facial fractures, five broken ribs, and a collapsed lung and the beating of Samuel Harrell, who died from his injuries. These well-known brutality incidents are not deviations from the norm, but rather examples of events that happen on a too-frequent basis throughout the New York State prison system.
The overwhelming vote to repeal 50-a in the wake of the protests resulting from the murder of George Floyd should be considered a public mandate to bring to light not only information about police, but also information about law enforcement officers who operate outside of the public view and carry out similar patterns of institutionalized violence. The impunity for this culture of violence in our prisons rests on secrecy. Accountability starts with public access to the information about the injustices perpetrated in DOCCS facilities.
The repeal of 50-a was necessary, but not sufficient to hold law enforcement accountable. To ensure misconduct records do not continue to be shielded by the denials and delays that plague Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests, it is critical that you affirmatively publish disciplinary records of DOCCS staff.
- Amnesty International USA
- Anti Torture Initiative Project
- Appellate Advocates
- Asociación de Mujeres Progresistas Inc.
- Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Long Island
- Black and Pink NYC
- Black Lives Matter (BLM) Hudson Valley
- Bronx Climate Justice North
- The Bronx Defenders
- Brooklyn Defender Services
- Buffalo Mutual Aid Network
- Call BlackLine
- Center for Community Alternatives
- Center for Law and Justice
- Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at New York University School of Law
- Citizen Action of New York
- Citizen Action WNY
- Close Rosie's
- Color Of Change
- Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
- Congregation Beth Elohim Dismantling Racism Team
- Correctional Association
- Emergency Release Fund
- Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition, Inc.
- Exodus Transitional Community
- First Unitarian Church of Rochester
- Free the People WNY
- The Gathering for Justice
- Housing Works
- Human Rights Watch
- Humanists of Long Island
- Immigrant Defense Project
- Incarcerated Nation Network,inc
- Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club
- John Brown Lives!
- John Jay College Institute for Justice and Opportunity
- Judson Memorial Church
- Justice for Families
- Justice League NYC
- LatinoJustice PRLDEF
- The Legal Aid Society
- #LetMyPeopleGoNow! Campaign
- The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
- LIFE Progressive Services Group Inc
- Long Island Council of Churches, Public Issues Committee
- Long Island Progressive Coalition
- Make the Road NY
- Manhasset Quaker Monthly Meeting
- The MAN Program
- Monroe County Public Defender’s Office
- Muslim Peace Fellowship
- National Action Network - Nassau County Chapter
- National Action Network - NYC Chapter Second Chance Committee
- National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) - Huntington
- National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) - NYS Criminal Justice
- Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem
- New Hour for Women and Children - LI
- New York City Jericho Movement
- New York Civil Liberties Union
- New York Immigration Coalition
- New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- North Bronx Racial Justice
- NYCAIC #HALTsolitary Campaign
- Office of the Appellate Defender
- Parole Preparation Project
- Partnership for the Public Good
- Presbytery of New York City
- Prison Action Network
- Prison Families Anonymous
- Prison Writes
- Public Interest Resource Center, Fordham Law School
- Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP) Campaign
- The Riverside Church
- Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Association (RENA)
- Rockland Immigration Coalition
- Rockland Prison Justice Project
- Rural and Migrant Ministry
- SEPA Mujer Inc.
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ NYC)
- Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood Office of Peace and Justice
- Solitary Watch
- STRONG Youth, Inc.
- Students for a Sensible Drug Policy - Buffalo
- Transforming Lives
- Truth Pharm Inc.
- Turning Points Resource Center
- United Christian Leadership Ministry of Western NY
- United Voices of Cortland
- Uptown Progressive Action
- Urban Justice Center
- Vera House, Inc.
- Wayne Action for Racial Equality
- WESPAC Foundation
- Westchester for Change
- Western New York Campaign Against Isolated Confinement
- Western New York Law Center
- Women & Justice Project
- Worth Rises
- Youth Represent
[1] See N.Y. Pub. Off. L. § 86(6). “‘Law enforcement disciplinary records’ means any record created in furtherance of a law enforcement disciplinary proceeding, including, but not limited to: (a) the complaints, allegations, and charges against an employee; (b) the name of the employee complained of or charged; (c) the transcript of any disciplinary trial or hearing, including any exhibits introduced at such trial or hearing; (d) the disposition of any disciplinary proceeding; and (e) the final written opinion or memorandum supporting the disposition and discipline imposed including the agency’s complete factual findings and its analysis of the conduct and appropriate discipline of the covered employee.” “Law enforcement” includes DOCCS. § 86(8).