Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan
Civilians Killed, Towns Destroyed in Rapid Support Forces Attacks

The African Union (AU) is a political and economic regional organization consisting of 55 member states with a total population of about 1.5 billion people. Its mandate includes the promotion and protection of human rights and peace and security on the continent. The AU operates through several key institutions, such as the AU Commission, the Peace and Security Council, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights. It collaborates with subregional bodies on the African continent, including subregional economic communities and other mechanisms.
Persistent political inaction on key situations has undermined the AU’s ability to effectively protect human rights. Human Rights Watch leverages its research to inform AU officials and member states, urging the implementation of policies driven by human rights considerations and that align with both regional and international norms and standards.
Civilians Killed, Towns Destroyed in Rapid Support Forces Attacks
Crackdown on Opposition, Dissent, Media; Delayed Return to Constitutional Rule
The Need for Accountability for Torture in Rwanda
Meaningful Follow Up Needed to End Repression and Abuses
End Repeated, Arbitrary Harassment of Civil Society Organizations
Adequate Budgets Needed to Tackle Inadequate School Infrastructure, Teacher Shortages
Expedite Legal, Policy Reforms Recommended by African Child Rights Body
Civilians Killed, Towns Destroyed in Rapid Support Forces Attacks
Crackdown on Opposition, Dissent, Media; Delayed Return to Constitutional Rule
Investigate Excessive Use of Force during Post-Election Protests
Abuse in Health Care System Amounts to Violence Against Women