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New Evidence Shows Pattern of Nerve-Agent Use in Syria
n April 4, 2017, a chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun killed at least 92 people, including 30 children.
Health Care Act Would Harm Millions
The American Health Care Act, if enacted, would be a devastating setback for access to health care for those who can least afford it. Make no mistake: lives will be lost.
Take Action: Stop Anti-Gay Attacks in Chechnya
Police in Chechnya, are rounding up men believed to be gay, holding them in secret detention, and beating and humiliating them. Tell Putin to end the crackdown.
World Press Freedom Day: Journalists Under Threat
Media has a key role to play in reaffirming the values on which rights-respecting democracy has been built. But media freedom is under threat more than ever.
France's Presidential Run-Off Offers Choice on Rights
Looking closely at the positions and statements of Le Pen and Macron indicates they would take very different approaches to human rights as president of France.

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Male guardianship is at the root of many abuses against Saudi Arabian women. Urge King Salman to end it and protect Dina Ali Lasloom.
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