The policy is likely to have devastating consequences, including unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal deaths. Brazil’s Illegal Treatment of Women in Prison
Under Brazilian law women shall be held in prisons exclusively for women; in reality, most of them are housed in wings within male prisons, where the risk of abuse is high. Killing and Lies: Philippine President Duterte’s ‘War on Drugs’ Exposed
Duterte’s drug-war foot soldiers have been chillingly efficient: the anti-drug campaign’s death toll surpassed 7,000 at the end of January when the police stopped issuing weekly updated kill statistics. The US Should Stand Up for Ethiopians as Government Stifles Protests, Jails Journalists
I speak to you to today 16 months after large-scale and unprecedented protests started in Ethiopia. Military forces and police cracked down on these largely peaceful demonstrations, killing hundreds and detaining tens of thousands. Algeria Shouldn't Prosecute a Writer for Insulting Islam
The police told him that the novel’s mocking tone insulted Islam and that its sexual vocabulary contravened good morals.
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