Param-Preet Singh
Param-Preet Singh is the Chief of Staff and Advisor to the Executive Director. She coordinates across HRW to support the Executive Director’s oversight of the organization’s programmatic and operational direction.
Prior to this role, she was Deputy Director for Strategy & Collaboration in the Chief Programs Office, where she worked closely with staff across departments to develop and support new ways to foster interdisciplinary, strategic, impact-oriented, and innovative approaches to human rights work. She was also an associate director in the International Justice Program where she conducted on-the-ground fact-finding missions, authored reports and led advocacy campaigns to press for justice for grave crimes in Myanmar, North Korea, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She led Human Rights Watch's Fellowship Program from 2016-2020.
Before joining Human Rights Watch, Singh worked as a lawyer with the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo and the Department of Justice in Toronto, Canada. She was also a Wasserstein Public Interest Fellow at Harvard Law School (2013) and a Schell Center Senior Visiting Human Rights Fellow (2013) at Yale Law School. She is a graduate of the University of Alberta and McGill Law School.
Articles Authored
May 29, 2020
Pandemic Adds New Threat for Rohingyas in Myanmar
April 9, 2020
Myanmar’s Directives Not Enough to Protect Rohingya
April 23, 2019
In Afghanistan, the ICC Abandons the Field
Reports Authored
“Justice Reestablishes Balance”
Delivering Credible Accountability for Serious Abuses in Côte d’Ivoire
Justice for Atrocity Crimes
Lessons of International Support for Trials before the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina