George Coelho
George Coelho has extensive technology investment management experience in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia.
Coelho is a Board member of renewable energy producer Aventron AG. He was, until recently, Chairman of Rome/London based Octo Telematics. He was previously Managing Director and Head of Venture Capital of Good Energies, where he still manages the remaining Venture Capital portfolio. Coelho co-founded Balderton Capital (née Benchmark Capital Europe) in 2000. Prior to this, Coelho spent nine years at Intel Corporation where he founded and led the group that became Intel Capital. At Intel, Coelho built a team that made more than 100 venture capital investments internationally. Coelho also previously headed the M&A and strategic investing group in Intel's Treasury as an Assistant Treasurer.
With investment skills ranging from early-stage start-ups to public companies, Coelho has been involved in more than 100 investments worldwide. Sample transactions where he has been an early investor include: Broadcom and Citrix (US), PCCW (China), Trend Micro (Japan) and Betfair, LoveFilm, ZOPA and Wonga (UK). Coelho has successfully brought companies to flotation on stock exchanges throughout the world.
An active philanthropist and adviser, Coelho serves on the Board of Directors and Zurich Committee of Human Rights Watch, is a lifetime Fellow of the RSA, and provides leadership at The George Washington University as a Council Member for the School of Business and for the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design. He was formerly a Trustee of the University (2008-2016).
Coelho holds a B.S. from The American University and an MBA from The George Washington University.