African governments should ensure funding for education; how a global treaty protects the rights of domestic workers; Armenia infringes on an activist’s right to free speech; EU should protect the lives of migrants at sea; and China’s harmful child policies.

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Digital sex crimes ruin women’s lives, but South Korea is not taking this problem seriously.

As African governments commemorate the Day of the African Child, they should provide adequate funding so all children enjoy the right to education. 

Armenian authorities should drop charges against activist Sashik Sultanyan, who has been charged for opinions he aired during an interview. 

A decade after the adoption of the global treaty meant to protect the rights of domestic workers, how much has changed? 

It is shameful and tragic that European Union countries can’t agree on something as fundamental as saving lives at sea. EU has a responsibility to protect the lives of migrants and asylum seekers on the central Mediterranean route.

And finally, why should a government set rules limiting the number of children people are allowed to have? These policies infringe on women’s reproductive rights.