Türkiye: Plans for Harmful Coal Expansion
Toxic Air Affects Health in Surrounding Community

COP29, to be held in November 2024 in Azerbaijan, is the annual UN climate change conference where governments, experts, journalists, businesses, civil society, and Indigenous peoples will discuss climate action to enable countries to collectively meet the target of keeping the global rise of temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius, thereby avoiding the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
Azerbaijan, a major oil and gas exporter, has a longstanding record of suppressing free speech, swiftly and often brutally dispersing peaceful protests, and using pernicious and abusive laws to paralyze independent nongovernmental organizations. A crackdown on independent voices over the past year has resulted in the arrest or sentencing of dozens of independent journalists, civil society activists, and academics on a variety of bogus criminal charges.
Toxic Air Affects Health in Surrounding Community
Violations of Chong Indigenous People’s Rights in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project
Governments Should Deliver Ambitious Climate Action Plans, Ensure Fossil Fuel Phaseout
European Parliament Risks Undermining Groundbreaking Legislation
Governments Should Ensure Fossil Fuel Phaseout, Civil Society Participation
Governments Should Swiftly Implement New Standards
Azerbaijan Should Guarantee Rights of Civil Society Participants At Climate Conference
Escalating Arrests, Crushing Dissent Before UN Climate Conference
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Parliamentary Assembly Should Develop Criteria for Azerbaijan’s Readmission