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South Korea should immediately halt the roll-out of its new sex education policy, released early this year, and revise materials that fail to include homosexuality or sexual minorities, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to the government. The exclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people from the policy will have discriminatory impact and should be reversed.
The Obama administration was right to recently call for the end of "conversion therapy," a largely ineffective and harmful method that attempts to "cure" or "convert LGBT youth in the United States. But the support for ending this type of therapy should not preclude LGBT youth from seeking out other, potentially helpful therapy as they explore the complex matters of gender and sexuality.
From earlier today: Credible evidence indicates that the Saudi-led coalition used banned cluster munitions supplied by the United States in airstrikes against Houthi forces in Yemen.
More than 30 bodies have been discovered in a human trafficking camp in Thailand. Police reports indicate the dead are ethnic Rohingya Muslims from Burma and Bangladesh who starved to death or died of disease while held by traffickers who were awaiting payment of ransoms before smuggling them into Malaysia. Rights groups have urged the government to end official complicity and willful blindness in rampant trafficking in Thailand.
The crisis in the Mediterranean continues. The organization Médecins Sans Frontières has sent out its own boat for search and rescue of desperate migrants.
Yesterday marked World Press Freedom Day.

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