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The new Human Rights Council is currently reviewing the UN's system of "Special Procedures" established by the Commission on Human Rights. These are independent experts who monitor and report on human rights situations around the world and form the backbone of the UN's human rights system. Kofi Annan described them as the former Commission's "eyes and ears."  

The Special Procedures work on human rights themes or countries requiring special attention. They are among the most innovative, flexible and responsive tools created by the UN to promote and protect human rights. Over the 40 years of their existence, the Special Procedures have made urgent interventions. They are crucial for an effective human rights system, and have been able to help victims of human rights violations all over the world.  
The current review was originally envisioned as an opportunity to
strengthen the "Special Procedures." Unfortunately, many states are currently using the review in attempts to weaken them by seeking to interfere with their independence.  
As negotiations are reaching a crucial stage, Human Rights Watch has joined with Amnesty International and many other international nongovernmental organizations in sponsoring a Global Petition in Support of an Independent and Expert System of Special Procedures:  
We, the undersigned, believe that the Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council are fundamental to the UN's efforts to promote and protect all human rights of all people everywhere. We call on UN member states to build on the achievements of the past in maintaining a strengthened system of Special Procedures that comprises independent experts who are able to monitor and respond rapidly to allegations of human rights violations throughout the world as effectively as possible, without interference.  
Click here to sign the petition.  

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