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肯尼思・罗斯(Kenneth Roth)现任人权观察执行长,该组织工作涵盖全球90馀国,为世界首要国际人权组织之一。1987年加入人权观察之前,罗斯担任联邦检察官,曾在纽约和华盛顿特区任职,并参与调查军售伊朗案。罗斯毕业于耶鲁法学院和布朗大学,曾赴全球各地执行人权调查与特派任务。他曾撰文评论广泛人权侵犯议题,尤其关注国际司法、反恐怖主义、大国外交政策和联合国事务。

文章:Defending Human Rights Values Under Attack, 11 Newspapers in Europe, June 22, 2016

视频:Lateline Interview on Manus Island detention Center ClosingAustralian Broadcasting Corporation, April 27, 2016

媒体报道:"Thunder on the Rights," Vanity Fair, September 19, 2008

人权观察报告:Twin Threats: How the Politics of Fear and the Crushing of Civil Society Imperil Global Rights (January 27, 2016)

Other Writing

Why I joined Human Rights Watch