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Please include all of the following, by e-mail and as PDF files, under single cover (in one email) and preferably as one PDF file (or, at a minimum, as separate PDF files).  Because of the volume of applications received, it is not possible for us to process incomplete or late applications.

Your application has six parts: your cover letter, resume, writing sample, official transcript, and two letters of recommendation.  We require that all materials be sent together by October 8, 2015.

Please make sure your name appears on every page of your application, especially the first page of your cover letter.

  • cover letter – A cover letter includes a brief description of how you are suited to the fellowship and why you feel you are an appropriate candidate.
  • résumé (curriculum vitae) – A résumé or curriculum vitae should include your contact information, previous work experience, education, and special skills you have that pertain to the position.
  • two letters of recommendation – A letter of recommendation is a letter written by someone who knows you in a professional or academic capacity testifying to your suitability for a fellowship position.  Letters should be sent to you and then included in your application.  Please note that we require two letters of recommendation.
  • unedited, unpublished writing sample – The writing sample can be any document, provided it has been edited only by you.  (Thus, you should not submit final, published versions of materials that have been edited by others.)  Writing samples should not be longer than 10 pages. Excerpts are perfectly acceptable. The writing sample must be in English. If the sample was translated into English, translation must have been done by the author. The writing sample may treat any subject, but should reflect your interest in experience in the field of human rights, as well as your writing abilities.
  • official law or graduate school transcript (applicants currently in one-year graduate programs should supply an undergraduate transcript with a list of their graduate school courses) – Official transcripts are stamped or signed documents from your university telling us what grades/marks and degrees you earned.  These documents should be scanned and attached to your e-mail application.  Please do not include copies of diplomas or degree certificates, as these do not tell us what grades or marks you received in your classes.  Please note that if transcripts of your graduate work are not yet available, you must include an official transcript of your undergraduate work and an official letter from your graduate program confirming your enrollment. 

Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.