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To: the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights

 -       H.E. Rafendi Djamin

Chair of the AICHR and Representative of Indonesia

-       H.E. Pehin Dato Hamid Bakal

Representative of Brunei Darussalam

-       H.E. Om Yentieng

Representative of the Kingdom of Cambodia

-       H.E. Bounkeut Sangsomsak

Representative of the Lao P.D.R

-       H.E. Dato' Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah

Representative of Malaysia

-       H.E. U Kyaw Tint Swe

Representative of Myanmar

-       H.E. Rosario G. Manalo

Representative of the Republic of the Philippines

-       H.E. Richard R. Magnus

Representative of Singapore

-       H.E. Sriprapha Petcharamesree

Representative of the Kingdom of Thailand

-       H.E. Do Ngoc Son

Representative of Viet Nam

Distinguish Commission,

We call on the AICHR to substantively engage and work together with the regional human rights community towards the meaningful and effective fulfillment of its mandate. Such measures are essential to the spirit and content of the ASEAN Charter to promote a people-oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encouraged to participate in, and benefit from, the process of ASEAN integration and community building

These measures should include regular transparent, participative and informative dialogues with the regional human rights community, including civil society organizations committed to the promotion and protection of human rights. This can start from the first meeting of the AICHR in 2011, on 10-13 February in Solo, Indonesia.

Such measures are in keeping with the Terms of Reference to establish the AICHR, which is meant to contribute to the participation of ASEAN peoples in the ASEAN Community-building process, as well as to consult with key stakeholders in the region.

We are concerned that in its 15 months of operations, the AICHR appears to be pre-occupied with procedural matters, at the expense of addressing serious and ongoing human rights challenges in the region. Of particular concern is the AICHR's inability to officially receive information on severe human rights situations forwarded by civil society organizations.

We call on AICHR to turn a new page in its relations with the regional and national human rights community by keeping the public informed of its work and activities. It is urgent that AICHR is able to address human rights issues in an open and effective way.

It is in the interest of the AICHR to work in partnership with the regional and national human rights community, as a valuable resource of experience, information, skills, energy, human resources and commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights.

Yours in solidarity with the peoples of ASEAN.

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