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South Korea was my first World Championship. I was very, very happy to go on with the sport and going to another level.


Preparing for London Olympics // me, plus my coach, // we were working very hard // so that our dreams come true. Because our dream was to reach the finals. As long as we reached to the finals, anything can happen then.


Some few weeks to the departure for the London Olympics that’s the time when I received a call from my international manager telling me // my blood sample, they're having some problem, technical problem and you can't go for the competition.


Annet’s natural testosterone level was higher than the regulated range for women athletes.


My local officials from my federation told me me that // you have to stay at home, not moving. And if anyone asks you tell them that you have an injury, whereby I was a person who was injury free, I was very normal, I wasn't sick.


One official from the IAAF [International Association of Athletics Federations] // he tried to reach me and after some few weeks I think, they had me travel to Nice for a body checkup. Like measuring my whole body and putting me to a machine, just like scanning my whole body and getting more other blood samples from me.


I was something which was really confused. // Like as if there were people who were not talking straight to you telling you that this and this is like this, but just telling you do this, do this, do this.


Later in Kampala, Annet underwent a procedure that she thought would mean she could run again.


Going to the doctor with an executive from the [national] federation because she was with me, escorting me, going to the hospital, they took me to the operation room. // And they said that they are going to use the injection thing, whereby by waking up // I'm finding myself I'm having cuts. //


I said, whoa! They have done something which we didn't agree on. And really, I was so scared.


Annet’s internal sex organs had been removed.


The procedure is irreversible and causes sterilization.


The people who are there with me, taking me to the hospital, who wanted me to do such. After the operation, no one come back to me to see what really... No one came in to do a follow-up.


No one explained to me what's really the truth. It something which was just… Making me to go in their trap. I call it trap because it was a trap.


Took me seven years without nothing. As in, they didn't give me straight information that after the surgery, you have to go for hormone therapy throughout the whole of your life. // Really that was so hard on me. // For seven years no one's coming to look for you, for seven new years no one is minding to know where you are. It was really a strange life.


As soon as you pass here, you start slowing down the pace.

Sort of focus on the stride length.


Keep the body moving, you know what I mean? That you feel that the body is moving at the same pace.


Testosterone regulations in sport cause significant harm and disproportionately impact women from the Global South.


Why are they focusing too much to people of the Southern continent? That shows that [there’s] discriminating and racism in the sport. Because all of us we are human beings, and we are females. What I can say, let them stop taking people's or playing on people's bodies. Making people to be guinea pigs and doing their research on human beings and violating human rights.


My dream at first was taken away from me. But with God, I trust that it will come back to me. And now I came back for training and I’m already in the process. I’m working for it again.


I have to fight for my dream. I have to fight for it. That's my future now. I'm focusing on my dream, which was taken away [by] the IAAF regulations.

(日内瓦)- 人权观察在今天发表的报告中指出,女性田径选手普遍受到“性别鉴定”规则的虐待与伤害,来自全球南方的选手尤其如此。相关规则特别关注参加400米至1英哩赛跑项目的女性,并且强迫其所关注的女性接受医学干预,否则强制退赛。


“世界田径联合会(世界田联)数十年来打压来自全球南方的女性运动员,将高睪固酮者视为次等人类,” 运动员权利倡导者及学者佩欧希尼・密特拉(Payoshni Mitra)说。 “这些规则贬低女性,使她们失去自信,而且强迫她们接受医学干预才能参加竞技。现代体育应当自我反省,采纳包容和不歧视的原则,而非继续坚持排除与歧视。”

人权观察协同学者专家密特拉和卡崔娜・卡尔凯济斯(Katrina Karkazis)于2019年进行研究,访谈受影响的运动员、教练和其他有关官员与专家,并且检阅了相关司法与医学文献。

数十年来,运动管理机构藉由“性别鉴定”规则管制女性参与体育赛事,尤其针对那些因为性征变异导致天然睪固酮高于一般水平的女性运动员。相关规则剥夺这些女性参加女子400公尺至1英哩赛跑的权利,除非她们接受侵入性检查和其他不必要的医疗程序。这种做法违反了隐私、健康和不歧视的基本权利。来自全球南方的女性——包括印度的杜蒂・强德(Dutee Chand)和南非的卡斯特・塞曼亚(Caster Semenya)等短跑名将——特别容易受到伤害。

Annet Negesa, a Ugandan runner, holds a photo of herself racing in the 2011 World Championships in Daegu, South Korea. Negesa was targeted under sex testing regulations and instructed to undergo a medically unnecessary surgery in 2012. © 2020 Cagla Dincer for Human Rights Watch




医学专家、人权倡导者和体育明星反对这种规则的声浪已日益响亮。联合国人权事务高级专员办事处在2020年的一份报告中建议,应立即废止对女性运动员的性别鉴定规则。世界医学协会(World Medical Association)也建议世界各地的医生不要遵守该规则,因为它违反医学伦理。

2019年,有25名法国女性运动员向世界田联主席塞巴斯蒂安・柯伊(Sebastian Coe)、国际奥委会主席托马斯・巴赫(Thomas Bach)和世界各国卫生及体育部长发表公开信,他们说:“这些女性和我们并无二致,是人类当中的优秀运动员。我们和她们同样热衷运动及其内在价值。她们的健康和前途面临威胁,使得运动的形象再次遭到玷污。被蔑视的是人权和人的尊严。”

法国体育部长罗克萨勒・默勒奇内亚努(Roxana Maracineanu)回应说:“在运动竞赛中,有些女性强过其他女性,也有些男性强过其他男性,运动的本质就是强者获胜。从体育的角度看,我不明白为什么被归类为男性的博尔特(Usain Bolt)、菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)、索普(Ian Thorpe)等人可以称霸同类,但在女性类别中,女性却没有权利在自己的类别中称霸。”

“这些规则受到对睪固酮、生物学和性别的错误观念激发,充斥着‘保护’女性运动员的父权语言,确实对女性、尤其是来自全球南方的女性造成了无法言喻的伤害,” 埃默里大学妇女、性别与性学研究客座教授兼耶鲁大学全球健康正义计划研究员卡尔凯济斯说。 “这些规则具有破坏性,因为它的基本假定本质上是性别歧视,即女性运动员必然不如男性运动员,因此必须监管女子体育运动以保护女性。其实这种监管不能保护妇女,只会伤害她们。”





“世界田联根据先天荷尔蒙水平对女性选手进行审查和排除的规定,是对所有女性的侮辱、成见和歧视,” 人权观察女性权利部高级研究员艾妮思・奥迪安柏(Agnes Odhiambo)说。 “被迫接受非医疗必要的医学检验是一种羞辱。通过观察和怀疑来认定运动员资格,相当于根据武断定义的女性气质和种族刻板印象对女性的身体进行监管。”

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