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Over the past decade, incendiary weapons including white phosphorous, have been used in numerous conflicts.


Bonnie Docherty, Arms Division, Human Rights Watch
The purpose of incendiary weapons is to set fire and burn people.  While an existing treaty seeks to limit the human cost, it does not cover white phosphorus which gruesomely injured civilians in conflict zones such as Afghanistan and Gaza. It also has not stopped the use of other incendiary weapons in Syria and elsewhere.


This video contains violent and disturbing images. Viewer discretion advised.


At age 18, Muhammed Assi was severely burned by an incendiary weapon in 2013 and still lives with physical and psychological scars.


Muhammed Assi
At the time, words couldn’t describe my feelings. I saw fire completely surrounding me. And I started feeling burns on my body.


The following footage from 2013 documents events after an incendiary weapon landed on a playground in Urum al-Kubra, Syria.


Voice of teacher at Muhammed’s school
I’ve heard many of the students screaming. They were screaming everywhere. We were trying to find where the attack happened.


Dr. Saleyha Ahsan, Speaking in 2013
There is dozens of people that have just been rushed in, covered in burns and some white powder dust. Their clothes are hanging off them.


Muhammed Assi
The substance entered my respiratory system and my stomach, and it was very hard to breathe.

When we first got to the hospital, the doctors didn’t’ have a lot of experience dealing with this kind of substance.  They started dousing us with water and with some serums. This was calming us at first, but then after less than a minute, my pain would multiply. We stayed just a few hours and they transferred us in ambulances.


Muhammed was taken to a hospital in Turkey where he stayed for three months.


Muhammed Assi
For six months after I finished treatment,  I would dream or lay awake at night, reliving all of the events of that day, to the point where I sought treatment from a psychiatrist in France. The injuries to my body, the visible damage, it’s on about 85% of my body.

I’ll be walking on the street and someone will stop me and say, “Why do you look like that?”

The hard part is my little nephew is scared to come near me. My other nephew, who always used to hug me, is scared to play with me.


Voice of teacher at Muhammed’s school
It was really hard. For one year, it was like a nightmare every night. Lack of sleep and cannot be described in words.  It hurts my brain every time I return to the story. It affected all of my life.


Bonnie Docherty, Arms Division, Human Rights Watch
It is time to strengthen the international law on incendiary weapons, and put an end to the immediate and lifelong suffering they cause.


Muhammed Assi
I really hope that these agreements signed by countries will actually protect civilians, protect human rights.  Human beings have a right to live with dignity, to express their opinions to live with security.



「當受害者忍受著燃燒武器的殘酷後果,各國卻還在為了是否對這種武器進行正式討論而爭論不休,」人權觀察武器問題高級研究員兼國際人權診所武裝衝突與平民保護副主任邦妮・杜克蒂(Bonnie Docherty)說。「各國應當正視倖存者的長期痛苦,解決現行國際法的缺陷。」

An incendiary weapon falls over the Kafr Hamrah village of Aleppo, Syria on June 22, 2016. © 2016 Anas Sabagh/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images




「燃燒武器會導致極其嚴重的灼傷,其破壞性遠非一般燒燙傷所能比擬,」曾在敘利亞診治燃燒武器受害者的內科醫生蘿拉・賀蘭姆(Rola Hallam)說。「它能燒盡一切。連鋼鐵都能被它燒毀,血肉之軀怎能受得了?」










「瑞茲亞痛得不停大哭,」在巴格拉姆照顧瑞茲亞的創傷護理師柯林斯(Christine Collins)上尉說。「她還這麼小,就被這樣的事情毀了一生。」柯林斯以個人身份補充說:「對於這種類型的武器,應該要有某種限制。這是絕對的,毫無疑問。」


2009年1月4日在加沙北部,以色列部隊朝敵對的巴勒斯坦武裝團體發射三枚155公釐白磷砲彈,炸穿了阿布・哈里馬(Abu Halima)的住家屋頂。白磷產生的火焰直接造成家中五人死亡,另外五人受傷。

「所有東西都著火了,」莎芭・阿布・哈里馬(Sabah Abu Halima)說。「我先生和四個兒子活生生在我眼前著火;我唯一的女兒,還是個嬰兒,在我懷中燒熔了。怎麼能讓一個母親看著她的孩子們活生生被燒死?我救不了他們。我無能為力。」


敘利亞政府軍2013年8月26日向烏魯姆庫布拉(Urum al-Kubra)一所學校投下一枚燃燒彈。


穆罕默德・阿西(Muhammed Assi)身上遍布疤痕,全身百分之85燒傷。「每次我出門,總是五到十分鐘立刻回來,因為我不想在街上遇到人問我,「你身上怎會這樣子?怎麼燒傷的?」他又說,「最糟的是我的小侄子都不敢靠近我,另一個侄子本來很喜歡抱我,現在也不敢跟我玩了。」

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