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Announcement of the decisions of both the 6th Central Government Tibetan areas work conference, and National Religious Affairs meeting. Correction and rectification obligations for the Larung monastery Buddhist Institute in Serta county.

Provisional translation of extracts from “Correction and rectification obligations for the Larung monastery Buddhist Institute in Serta county."

General Summary

By September 30, 2017 the population of the encampment must be limited to 5,000 persons; the numbers of expelled persons and demolished buildings should basically correspond; correspondence between numbers of residents and residence buildings should be checked; masses of ordinary believers must be separated from monks and nuns; the monastery must be separated from the institute; the conduct of social administration within the monastery; the conduct of general services within the monastery.


One: Promoting the law and ideological guidance

Important duties: announce the main decisions of the two meetings, 6th Central Authorities Tibetan Areas Work Conference, and National Religious Affairs meeting […].

1. Standing committee personnel at the camp, regular staff, senior levels, etc., should be informed individually. The disciplinarians of each section and the entirety of responsible personnel in the 18 offices [of the monastery/institute] must be assembled to hear the announcement. The 324 heads of residential units [tshoms chung] should be divided into units to receive the announcement.

Completion period: June 15, 2016

2. Meetings of each section and unit to make the announcement. The writing of compliance letters and statements by monks and nuns of compliance with the law. Religious study and practice must actually be carried out on the basis of following the law. Legal information notice boards must be put up, and legal education film shows for monks and nuns. Results of the announced measures must come from full coverage of the environment.

Completion period: July 31, 2016

3. Within the monastery, legal education announcements must be made every month.

Completion period: October 31, 2016
Responsible officials: Changchub, Changlo, Tan Neigei [?], Zhang Pensun
Responsible departments: Prefecture Propaganda Bureau, Prefecture United Front Work Department, Prefecture Nationality and Religious Affairs Bureau, Prefecture Legal Departments, Serta County Government, etc.

Two: One standard and three matters. Finding and collecting information

Main duties: finding out and collecting information on Upasakas [ordained laypeople], nuns, monks, the elderly and handicapped [with respect to] One Standard and Three Matters (one standard is location, relevant matters are numbers of people, rooms, units), registering numbers of monastic residences, correspondence of residents with residential buildings.

Completion period: July 31, 2016
Responsible officials: Lei Jiang, Zhang Pensun, She Ben [?]
Responsible departments: Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Prefecture Government, Kandze National Security Department, Serta County Government, etc.

Three: Reduction of numbers

Main duties: In 2016, 2,200 people have to leave. Setting aside 1,029 ordained laypeople among them, 1,200 monks and nuns actually have to go (at least 600 of them must be monks and nuns from other provinces). The 5,000 overall limit must be managed by 2017. If it is discovered that it has not been done by September 30, 2017, the number of those to be expelled will be increased, in accord with the register of those present. The government will strictly check the numbers and residences of expulsees.

1. A list of names of expelled monks and nuns for 2016 must be presented to the higher authorities.

Completion period: June 15, 2016

2. After fulfilling One Standard and Three Matters responsibilities, the list of 5,000 official members and others must be carefully examined and presented to higher authorities

Completion period: August 30, 2016

3. The 1,200 expulsions for 2016 must be completed.

Completion period: October 20, 2016

4. The limit of 5,000 total members of the camp must be maintained, of whom not more than 1,000 can come from other provinces.

Completion period: September 30, 2017
Responsible officials: Tan Neigei [?], Zhang Pensun, Zei Yepeng [?]
Responsible offices: Prefecture United Front Work Department, Prefecture Nationality and Religious Affairs, Prefecture Education Department, Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Prefecture Government Office, Serta County Government, other concerned county and prefecture governments

Four: Undertaking plans and demolishing monastic residences

Main duties: Residences of those expelled since 2013, illegal new residences, residences that have become old age homes and nuns’ hostels, a total of 1,500, will be demolished at one go.

Completion period: October 30, 2016
Responsible officials: Zhang Yongdu, Ache Podro
Responsible offices: Prefecture United Front Work Department, Prefecture Nationality and Religious Affairs, Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Prefecture Village Housing Construction Department., Prefecture Government Office, Serta county Government, etc.

Five: Building camera surveillance and entrance screening procedures

Main duties: building [online?] camera surveillance and entry screening procedures and putting them to use.

Completion period: August 31, 2016
Responsible officials: Zhang Pensun, She Ben [?]
Responsible offices: Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Serta County Government, etc.

Six: Separating the lay practitioners’ wing and building a communal area

Main duties: divide the [monastic] camp from the lay practitioners and demolish any construction within 30 m, to make a gap.

Completion period: July 31, 2016

2. The gap must be sealed with ladders of notched logs [?]. Lay practitioners’ dwellings must be given a different appearance. Community service centre must be built. Public utilities must be put in place.

Completion period: September 30, 2016
Responsible officials: Zhang Pensun, Shibo
Responsible offices: Prefecture Village Housing Construction Department, Prefecture National Resources Department, Prefecture Government Office, Serta County Government, etc.

Seven: Differentiating the institute from the monastery

Main duties: Personnel should be separated, and which of the 5,000 fixed population belong to the monastery and which to the institute should be registered. If it were defined, probably 3,500 nuns belong to the monastery and 1,500 monks to the institute.

2. Separate zones: With the demolition of monk and nun dwellings, a boundary should be fixed between the monastery and the institute. By day, the boundary should be the stretch of main road between the Gyutrul [?] and the Credit Bank. By night, it should be the present boundary wall between monks and nuns.

3. In terms of function, after the separation of monastery and institute, the monastery should be a place for religious activities, and the institute a place for educational activities.

4. In terms of management, the monastery needs to be managed by both lay officials and monks, while the institute’s management style needs to be in conformity with the management of a government-run school. A management committee with both monks and officials must be established. In the manner of taking seven steps forward, a 2+3 management approach should be practically implemented.

Completion period: August 31, 2016
Responsible officials: Lou Chenmen [?], Changchub, Tan Neigei [?], Zhang Pensun
Responsible offices: Prefecture United Front Work Department, Prefecture Nationality and Religious Affairs Department, Prefecture Public Security Bureau, Prefecture Village Housing Construction Department, Prefecture National Resources Department [?], Serta County Government, etc.

Eight: Construction specifications

[Remaining text missing]


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