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These are scenes of workers from the NagaWorld Casino in Phnom Penh, Cambodia being assaulted by security forces for going on strike. They were also being forced onto buses and abandoned on the outskirts of the city. Workers went on strike after the company laid off more than 1300 people during the Covid recession.


Many of those dismissed were union leaders and activist members, greatly weakening the union. 


Khun Tharo, Program Manager, CENTRAL, Labor Rights Group

This case at NagaWorld is one which we see as a serious case of labour rights violations by the employer, using its influence and power to undermine the union.



The European Union and the US are among Cambodia’s largest export markets.

They should press the Cambodian government to protect the rights to freedom of association to strike, and to collective bargaining.


Chhimm Sithar, President, Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU)

My name is Chhim Sithar and I'm the President of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU).

I was present at the strike.

Around ten men without uniforms ran and grabbed me, pulling me back and forth in a rough way. They didn't show a warrant and took me to the police station. The next day I was questioned by a judge on charges of incitement and causing serious social insecurity was sent to Correctional Center 2 [Phnom Penh’s prison facility] for nine weeks.


Khun Tharo, Program Manager, CENTRAL, Labor Rights Group

We've seen both local and national union leaders and activists be targeted when those union leaders have stood for and protected workers’ rights and working conditions during the COVID-19 crisis when companies close, or suspend or lay off workers.


When workers are laid off, the union representatives are entitled to stand up for their rights.

Yang Sophorn, President, Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions  (CATU):

The problem at Violet [garment factory] occurred after the factory closed without paying proper severance to workers  according to the labor law. When I exercised my right as

a trade union leader of CATU [Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions] to go and support our members and workers participating in the strike the Ministry of Labour threatened me that if I continued to support the Violet workers' strike they would remove CATU's registration. These are threats aimed at frustrating workers exercising their rights to demand what they should've received according to the law.



Countries importing Cambodian goods should set clear benchmarks for the Cambodian government to honor its labor rights obligations.  


  • 柬埔寨政府利用疫情監禁工會人士、禁止工會組建及註冊並阻止成衣、旅遊業行使罷工權利。
  • 《工會法》違反國際勞工法義務,包括允許註冊成立工會、進行集體協商和行使罷工權。
  • 歐盟、美國和其他貿易夥伴應以影響力施壓柬埔寨遵守其勞動權義務。



「柬埔寨政府和肆無忌憚的雇主以COVID-19肺炎疫情為藉口,進一步限制獨立工會,而非在困難時期保障勞工的福利與權利,」人權觀察亞洲區副主任費爾・羅柏森(Phil Robertson)說。「隨著柬埔寨勞工權利倒退,歐洲聯盟、美國和其他貿易夥伴應以影響力加強施壓該國政府遵守其勞動權義務。」


Union protesters hold a photo of Chhim Sithar, president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld, and call on authorities to release her and detained members, during a rally in Phnom Penh, January 11, 2022. © 2022 Cambodian Center for Human Rights 




「我們開始[抗議金界賭場的]罷工以後,突然成立了一個假工會,我們叫它『速食麵』工會,因為它向相關部會[指勞工與職業訓練部]辦理註冊的速度非常快,就像一碗兩分鐘即可泡好的速食麵,」高棉受雇者勞工權益支持工會(Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees)主席欽西塔(Chhim Sithar)說。「金界賭場的員工根本不知道有工會選舉,也不知道領導人是誰選出來的。」




2020年8月,歐盟委員會以柬埔寨政府對公民與政治權利以及勞工權利實施有計劃侵害為由,取消了一部分對柬埔寨「除武器外全部免稅」的貿易優惠。美國貿易代表署正在檢討其普遍化優惠關稅制度(Generalized System of Preferences),從而暫停了包括柬埔寨在內所有受惠國向美國市場出口的免稅待遇。


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