Annerieke Smaak headshot

Annerieke Smaak Daniel

Researcher, Women’s Rights Division
Follow @AnneriekeSmk

Annerieke Daniel is a former researcher in the Women's Rights Division at Human Rights Watch. Her work focuses on sexual and reproductive health and rights and the impact of structural racism, discrimination, and inequality on women's health outcomes in the United States. Annerieke has conducted research and advocacy on racial disparities in cervical cancer deaths and access to comprehensive sexual health education in the US.

Prior to joining Human Rights Watch as a fellow in 2019, Annerieke worked as the policy and partnerships associate at the Center for Health and Gender Equity and within the field of public elementary education. Annerieke previously worked at Human Rights Watch as an associate and then coordinator in the Women’s Rights Division from 2014-2017. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

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