
Abusive Forced Evictions in Pakistan

The 48-page report, “‘I Escaped with Only My Life:’ Abusive Forced Evictions in Pakistan,” documents widespread and abusive forced evictions that disproportionately affect the most economically and socially marginalized communities in Pakistan. The authorities have evicted thousands of people without adequate consultation, notice, compensation, resettlement assistance, or means of redress in violation of their basic rights.

Demolished homes in a city


  • March 1, 1998

    Civilians in the War in Burundi

    The civilian population of Burundi feels trapped between the two sides in the civil war, as both the armed forces and the rebels have used civilians as proxy targets. The civil war raging in Burundi since October 1993 has above all been a war against civilians. When Major Pierre Buyoya took power in a July 1996 coup, he claimed that he was intervening to prevent an expansion of ethnic violence.
  • March 1, 1998

    Abuse of Undocumented Migrants, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees in South Africa

    Unpunished attacks on foreigners in South Africa are disturbingly common; and foreigners are regularly victimized by the South African police,the army, and by guards at detention facilities. Detention conditions for migrants awaiting deportation are substandard and overcrowded. South Africa's treatment of refugees is also troubling, and fails to conform with international standards.
  • March 1, 1998

    The Clinton administration deserves commendation for its recent efforts to develop a fresh approach toward Africa. The continent is finally receiving high-level attention from the U.S. government, including a trip by Secretary of State Albright in December 1997 and a historic visit from President Clinton in 1998. The emphasis of the administration's new Africa policy is on trade and security.
  • February 18, 1998

    Economic Crisis Leads to Scapegoating of Ethnic Chinese, February 1998

    In Indonesia, rising costs of basic goods has produced violent protests aimed at ethnic Chinese, who dominate the retail economy.

  • February 18, 1998

    Background Information Regarding Visit of Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, February 18-20, 1998

    Human Rights Watch has issued an open letter to Republika Srpska Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on his first official visit to the United States. He has come to Washington to discuss the terms of international financial assistance to the Republika Srpska (RS), one of the two entities of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina.
  • February 4, 1998

    State-Sponsored "Disappearances" In Algeria

    Among the many human rights tragedies in Algeria has been the "disappearance" of more than one thousand men and women since 1992, following their arrest by government forces. As with many acts of violence in Algeria, authorship of some cases of "disappearances" has been difficult to confirm.

  • January 8, 1998

    Dismantling Soeharto-Era Barriers

    This report examines barriers to academic freedom and the exercise ofbasic rights erected during the thirty-two year authoritarian rule of PresidentSoeharto in Indonesia. As this report was being prepared, Indonesia was undergoing what appeared to be a momentous transition, spurred on by students and faculty, toward a more democratic society.
  • January 1, 1998

    Today in Romania, gays and lesbians are routinely denied some of the most basic human rights guaranteed by international law. Despiteamendments in 1996 to the criminal code provisions relating to homosexual conduct, gays and lesbians continue to be arrested and convictedfor such relations if they become public knowledge.
  • December 10, 1997

    The human rights situation in Bahrain showed no improvement in 1997 and in some respects worsened. Street protests and clashes betweensecurity forces and demonstrators calling for political reform, which had first erupted in December 1994, continued throughout the year,intensifying in June 1997.
  • December 9, 1997

    With the legacy of the Derg behind it, the EPRDF proclaimed, as it instituted a four-year transitional period (1991-1995), its commitment to democratization and respect for the rule of law and pledged to establish human rights in the country. The transitional legislature ratified the major international human rights treaties.
  • December 1, 1997

    Transition and Human Rights Violations in the Congo

    Upon taking office in late May 1997, President Laurent Kabila promised a transitional agenda that would lead to legislative and presidential elections in two years.
  • December 1, 1997

    In the past few years, the human rights panorama in Peru has brightened considerably because of the decline in the massive "disappearances" and extrajudicial executions that has accompanied reduced political violence. Despite this positive trend, however, serious human rights violations continue, chief among them the use of torture.
  • December 1, 1997

    The Indonesian government made a series of serious missteps leading to human rights violations in its handling of one of the worst outbreaks of ethnic conflict the country has seen in decades, according to a new report, Communal Violence in West Kalimantan.
  • December 1, 1997

    In its bid to monopolize power, the government of the Congo severely cracked down on those political parties with any credible claim of popularity and national presence. Police and a plethora of security agencies attacked their meetings, public and private, and arrested their supporters and often subjected them to torture and ill-treatment.
  • December 1, 1997

    The 15-page report, "Rural Unrest in Vietnam," documents the causes and implications of continuing protests against corruption, land disputes, and compulsory labor in Thai Binh province beginning last May, as well as violent unrest in the largely Catholic district of Thong Nhat in Dong Nai province last month, initially sparked by expropriation of church land by corrupt local authorities.