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November 1, 1993

While human rights violations continued throughout the APEC region, the major story during the year and described in this report was not so much the nature of the abuses, but the debate over how to address them. Two factors had a major impact on this debate: the increased visibility of Asian nongovernmental organizations and the growing economic power of East Asia.
November 1, 1993

A Report Prepared for the Free Media Seminar Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

The Free Media Seminar of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe is taking place at a critical time. First, because developments throughout the region suggest that protection for media freedoms fall well short of international standards.
October 22, 1993

U.S. Policymakers Should Hold President Mubarak Accountable

President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt is scheduled to meet with members of Congress and the Administration, including President Bill Clinton, in Washington, D.C. This will be the Egyptian leader's second visit since April.
October 1, 1993
Citing violations of core political rights in Mexico — freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and the right to vote — this report calls for the Clinton administration to address these and other human rights issues as it engages the Mexican government in trade negotiations.
October 1, 1993

Citing violations of core political rights in Mexico — freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and the right to vote — this report calls for the Clinton administration to address these and other human rights issues as it engages the Mexican government in trade negotiations.
October 1, 1993

In this investigation of the application of the 1991 Latvian law “On the Registration of Residents,” our findings indicate that the Department of Citizenship and Immigration has targeted certain non-citizen groups and denied them registration as legal residents of Latvia.
October 1, 1993

The Widespread Rape of Somali Women Refugees in North Eastern Kenya

While the tragedy in Somalia made daily news, the plight of thousands of refugees in neighboring Kenya remains unpublicized. Since 1992, approximately 300,000 Somalis have fled across the 800 mile Kenya-Somali border, most of them women and children. Many were the victims of violence, including rape, as they fled war-torn Somalia.
October 1, 1993

Freedom of expression on campus in Indonesia became a major issue in mid-1993 with national attention focused on three court cases and the banning of a student newspaper. All of the cases illustrate the tight limits that the Indonesian government places on written and spoken criticism.
October 1, 1993

While the “zero-option” approach — the granting of citizenship equally to all who were permanent residents at the time the state in question gained independence — was rejected in Estonia, we uncovered no systematic, serious abuses of human rights in the area of citizenship.
October 1, 1993

Beginning in late 1991, wide-scale atrocities committed by the Burmese military, including rape, forced labor, and religious persecution, triggered an exodus of ethnic Rohingya Muslims from the northwestern Burmese state of Arakan into Bangladesh. This report warned of the possible repatriation of nearly 240,000 refugees, housed in nineteen camps in and around the Bangladeshi town of Cox's Bazar.