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May 2, 2024
Azerbaijani authorities should immediately free a prominent human rights defender, Anar Mammadli, and drop the charges against him, the Human Rights House Foundation said this week in a statement signed by Human Rights Watch and 28 other groups.
Anar Mammadli,
May 2, 2024
Lebanese authorities and the European Union must respect their obligations under international law and not forcibly return refugees to Syria as long as the conditions for safe, voluntary and dignified returns are not met, eight civil society organizations, including Amnesty International, said today ahead of European Commission President Ursula von Der Leyen’s visit to Beirut.
May 2, 2024
Governments concerned about autonomous weapons systems – so-called killer robots – should urgently act to start negotiations on a new international treaty to ban and regulate them, Human Rights Watch said today.
Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg welcomes participants to the international “Humanity at the Crossroads” conference on autonomous weapons systems, in Vienna on April 29-30, 2024
May 2, 2024
Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to surrender, and possibly six more who were surrendering or who had surrendered, since early December 2023, Human Rights Watch said today. These incidents should be investigated as war crimes.
A Ukrainian soldier stands in front of the graves of Ukrainian soldiers killed in the war at a cemetery in Kharkiv.
May 1, 2024
“Historic,” said the activist Haris Azhar, describing Indonesia's Constitutional Court ruling in March to revoke three false news and defamation clauses from the country’s 1946 criminal code. The judges wanted to protect human rights, he said, and they found that the code’s vague definition of “fake news” could be used to punish legitimate criticism of the government.
Haris Azhar after his trial at the East Jakarta court, delivering a speech from a truck outside the court house, January 8, 2024.