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May 13, 2024
In a tumultuous Afghanistan, the plight of women and girls has reached a critical juncture. The resurgence of the Taliban in power has not only reversed decades of progress on women’s rights in the country, but has also plunged Afghan women into yet another dark era of severe oppression and erasure.
Afghan women protest in Kabul on August 13, 2022.
May 13, 2024
The planned closure of displaced people’s camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) by a July 30 deadline will imperil the rights of many camp residents from the northern Sinjar district.
Chamishko refugee camp in Iraq received many Yazidis who fled the town of Sinjar, August 3, 2014.
May 10, 2024
This week, United States President Joe Biden announced that his administration has “held up” at least one shipment of 3,500 bombs and artillery shells to Israel, saying the US wouldn’t transfer certain weapons to Israel if it proceeded with an assault on the city of Rafah’s densely populated areas.
moke rises after an Israeli air strike on the city of Khan Yunis, Gaza, January 8, 2024.
May 10, 2024
Transgender youth from California to Alabama are under threat due to a growing trend to pass policies mandating that school staff—and in some cases, any government employee—to disclose to their parents if a student identifies as transgender. This movement for what is being called “parental rights” is putting trans youth in danger and is disregarding their rights.
A school bus makes its way down Market Street during the San Francisco Pride Parade on Sunday, June 25, 2023.
May 9, 2024
Ethiopia's human rights situation deteriorated sharply since its last UPR on May 14, 2019. Since then, government forces, militias, and armed groups have been committing widespread abuses with impunity, resulting in grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Government efforts to address past and ongoing abuses, including atrocities carried out during armed conflict since 2020, have lacked transparency and independent oversight. Journalists, civil society organizations, and outspoken public figures have faced an increasingly hostile and restrictive environment, with government authorities resorting to arbitrary arrest and prolonged detention without charge.