Chicago Committee

The Human Rights Watch Chicago Committee, formed in 2004, is part of a global network of regional support committees composed of opinion leaders from a variety of backgrounds. The committees constitute an informed and engaged constituency that is essential for the defense of human rights. They seek to increase awareness of local and global human rights issues and enlist the public and governments to support basic rights for all. Committee members meet regularly to learn about human rights crises and policies and support Human Rights Watch through outreach, advocacy, and fundraising initiatives.

Members of the Chicago Committee strengthen Human Rights Watch by contributing financially to its work, attracting potential supporters, and promoting the organization’s message and concerns locally. Membership in the Human Rights Watch Chicago Committee provides an inside perspective on the most pressing human rights issues of the day. The Committee is focused on outreach, education, and advocacy with fundraising responsibility in Chicago. Members are asked to attend Committee meetings, participate regularly in Committee events, and join a subcommittee.

Chicago Committee

Mitchell Cobey, Co-Chair
Sheila Roche, Co-Chair

Executive Committee
Terri Abruzzo*
Austin Baidas
Howard R. Conant, Jr.
Dedrea Gray*
Paul L. Gray
Paul Ingersoll
Rakesh Madhava
Sheridan Prior
Karen Salmon
Shalini Sharma*
Dia S. Weil

Ellen Alberding*
Lucy Ascoli
Marjorie Benton
Susan Berkowitz
Aileen Blackwell
Mary Frances Budig
David K. Callahan
Elizabeth Cicchelli*
Fay Clayton
Linda Burns Coleman
Dolores Connolly
Judy Cottle
Susan Crown
Douglas Curtis
Margaret Duncan*
Janice Feinberg
Christine Fernandez Owen
Mimi Frankel
Maya Friedler
Jill Garling
Judy Gaynor*, Founding Co-Chair
Monica George
Erika Gomez
Carolyn Grisko*
Susan Gzesh
Terry Halliday
John Hass
Anne Helms
Rhona Hoffman
Monica Lee Hughson
Kyle Johnson
Luke Karamyalil
Tony Karman
Missy Lavender
John Lee
Jonathan Lehman
Julie Lepri
Amalia Perea Mahoney
William F. Mahoney*
Susan Manilow, Founding Co-Chair
Gail F. Marks
Gary Metzner
Stephanie Murray
Grace Newton*
Clark Pellett
Marilla Perkins
Jennifer Pope
Linda Redstone
Armeen Siddiqui-Mirza
Ellen Stone Belic
Anne Studzinski
Jeanne Sullivan
G. Marc Whitehead
Judy Wise

*Chair Emeriti
Jonathan F. Fanton, Founding Member

Managing Director: Tara Golden
Interim Associate Director: Justin Connolly
Senior Coordinator: Adia Alli