Tens of millions of women and girls around the world are employed as domestic workers in private households. They clean, cook, care for children, look after elderly family members, and perform other essential tasks for their employers. Despite their important role, they are among the most exploited and abused workers in the world. They often work 14 to 18 hours a day, seven days a week, for wages far below the minimum wage. They may be locked within their workplace and subject to physical and sexual violence. Children and migrant domestic workers are often the most vulnerable. An international treaty – the Domestic Workers Convention – was adopted in June 2011, providing the first global standards to protect domestic workers.
(ニューヨーク)国際労働機関 (ILO) は6月11日に画期的な新条約を採択。強制労働の防止と世界2,100万人と推計される被害者への補償に向けた取り組みを前進させるものだと、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日述べた。ILOを構成する各国政府・労働組合・雇用者団体の大部分が1930年の強制労働条約の2014年議定書の採択に賛成した。同条約は世界の大半の国が批准しているものの内容は古くなっていた。このため移住労働者を対象とし、民間部門に対応するなど、現在の人権侵害への対処強化が図られた。
2014年 06月 11日