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Independent media is under threat in Myanmar. At least 98 journalists have been arrested since the February 1, 2021 coup, while 46 remain in detention. The junta is including journalists in the nightly broadcast of individuals “wanted” by the authorities. Those wanted by the junta are announced on state media, meaning independent journalists are on the run. With credible journalists gone, all that’s left is government propaganda. 

Tin Tin Nyo Editor, Burma news International (BNI)
The majority of the people know that MRTV or Myawaddy TV channel is [a] kind of propaganda channel of the military regime so they don’t believe any news that is coming out from there.

Phil Robertson, HRW
The military wants to shut down any narratives it doesn’t directly control, because it doesn’t want the outside world to learn about the military’s daily atrocities against the Burmese people.That’s why Myanmar is rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous countries in the region for journalists to operate in.  

Few journalists are working openly, and many are reporting while in hiding attempting to dodge the security force dragnets looking for journalists. Nay Myo Lin is the editor-in-chief of Voice of Myanmar. Early this year he was detained for the second time.

Zarni Mann, Nay Myo Lin’s wife
I was shocked to hear when I heard my husband was detained. Since February 1, I feel like I am falling into a black hole and I have no hopes, no future. If the situation is getting worse and it's become not a very safe place for us, our only choice would be to leave the country.

Many journalists have fled to Myanmar’s border regions controlled by ethnic minority groups or to neighboring countries. They say remaining in cities is too risky.

Ye Wint Thu, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) journalist
If they to arrest someone and if they don't find that person, they arrest the family member. That is why those journalists and their families. That is why those journalists and their families are really [in danger] right now.

Numerous, credible sources report appalling conditions in Myanmar’s prisons and interrogation centers, where detainees are subjected to torture,  routine beatings and other ill-treatment. Authorities arrested journalists Han Thar Nyein and Nathan Maung in March, and tortured them for two weeks at a military interrogation center. Charges were dropped against Nathan Maung, but Han Thar Nyein remains in Insein prison and faces a possible 3 - year sentence. 

SuSu,Reporter Burma News Interna-tional (BNI) Myitkyina
The military, when they arrest  journalists, they beat them. Some of my colleagues stayed at home and the officers came to arrest them at night. No one knows where they were taken away, but they risk being tortured. They are taken to an interrogation room without charges.   Journalists are paying the price for reporting with their freedom. DVB’s Min Nyo was sentenced to  3 years under penal code article 505A for spreading “false” news. His colleague Aung Zaw, and Zaw Zaw of Mizzima News were both sentenced to 2 years under the same charge. 

Phil Robertson, HRW
The Myanmar military should immediately  revoke article 505A and other rights-abusing laws being used against Myanmar’s journalists. They should also immediately  and unconditionally release all journalists held in detention. Importantly, the Myanmar military should also reinstate the media licenses of banned  outlets and allow them to operate without interference. But despite the risks of arrest or worse, and the junta's crippling shutdown of the mobile internet and satellite services  Myanmar’s journalists continue to bravely document atrocities and share information with the world.



The junta’s intensifying surveillance, harassment and detention of journalists is rapidly turning Myanmar into one of the region’s most dangerous places to be a journalist.
Phil Robertson

deputy Asia director




  • 民主ビルマの声(DVB)のKaung Myat Hlaing氏:タニンダーリ地方域ミエイの自宅で逮捕され、2年の刑を宣告された。
  • DVBのMin Nyo氏:バゴー地方域ピイで抗議活動を取材中に逮捕され、3年の刑を宣告された。
  • DVBのThet Naing Win氏:バゴー地方域で逮捕され、3年の刑を宣告された。
  • フリーランス記者のZaw Zaw氏:タニンダーリ地方域ミエイで抗議活動を取材中に逮捕され、2年の刑を宣告された。
  • フリーランス写真家のHtoo San氏:タニンダーリ地方域ミエイで3年の刑を宣告された。

もう1人のDVB記者May Thwe Aung氏はある政府関係者に従わなかったとして、刑法第188項に基づき1カ月の刑を言い渡された。氏は3月16日に、当局がThe Voice Daily記者の夫Min Min Aung氏を逮捕したことを知った。そこで夫を探そうとヤンゴン地方域オクカン郡区の警察署に到着した際、警察に拘束され、最終的に訴追された。


5月4日にはFrontier Myanmar編集長の米国人ジャーナリスト、ダニー・フェンスター氏がヤンゴン国際空港国から出国しようとしていた際に逮捕され、6月18日にインセイン刑務所内の非公開審問で、刑法第505A項に基づき訴追された。訴追の根拠ははっきりしていない。

3月9日、警察がKamayut Media創設者のNathan Maung氏およびHan Thar Nyein氏を、ヤンゴン地方域カマユート郡区にある両氏のオフィスで逮捕した。その後釈放され、国外に脱出したMaung氏は、絶え間ない殴打や睡眠はく奪をはじめとする拷問の日々に2人とも耐えなければならなかった、と述べている。Nyein氏は依然として拘禁されたままだ。「私は自由の身になれましたが、今のゴールはHan Tharやその他の人の釈放を確実にすることです。彼らはジャーナリストです。犯罪者ではありません。」

ジャーナリストの多数の逮捕・訴追で、ミャンマーの独立した報道に重大な萎縮効果がもたらされた。3月8日に軍事政権は、5つの地方媒体(DVB、Khit Thit Media、Mizzima、Myanmar Now、7Day)の報道免許を剥奪。5月4日には、カチン州が拠点の74Mediaとシャン州が拠点のTachilek News Agencyの報道を禁じた。また、5月4日から衛星テレビ放送を禁じ、より厳格な検閲を実施。3月15日に発出されたモバイルインターネット規制も引き続き適用されている。




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