Lydia Gall
Lydia Gall is a human rights lawyer by training and comes with a background in Roma rights and the Middle East. She has previously worked on documenting violations of humanitarian law and human rights in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory followed by extensive work protecting and promoting the rights of the Romani minority in Europe.
Before joining Human Rights Watch, Gall worked as a staff attorney involved in strategic litigation on behalf of Romani victims of human rights abuses, particularly in the fields of housing and education. As a freelance journalist, she wrote extensively on human rights abuses of Roma and on political developments with potential human rights implications in Central and Eastern Europe.
Articles Authored
November 28, 2023
Draft Security Law Targets Civil Society and Journalists in Hungary
October 6, 2023
Polish Government Ups Anti-Migrant Rhetoric Ahead of Elections
September 25, 2023
Polish Volunteer Detained for Aiding Migrants
July 20, 2023
Discriminatory Bill Harms Trans Women in Hungary
February 9, 2023
Hungary Court Closes Door on Transgender Legal Recognition
December 15, 2022
Poland: Rule of Law Erosion Harms Women, LGBT People
Reports Authored
Poland: Rule of Law Erosion Harms Women, LGBT People
EU Action Needed to End Undermining of Institutions that Protect Rights
Violence and Pushbacks at Poland-Belarus Border
Halt Summary Returns, Ensure Accountability For Abuse
Hungary: Health Care Failures Endanger Lives
Ensure Access to Adequate, Quality Health Care, Provide Sufficient Resources
Croatia: Migrants Pushed Back to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Violence, Abuse; Denied Opportunity to Apply for Asylum
Hungary: Locked Up for Seeking Asylum
Long Detention, Poor Conditions, Little Help for Vulnerable People