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(シドニー)— パプアニューギニアの女性や少女がパートナーからのひどい暴力を受けることも多い中、政府関係者は安全や公共サービス、法の裁きなどの被害者のニーズを満たしていない、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日発表の報告書内で述べた。保護措置やDVシェルターへのアクセスなど被害者に欠かせない行政の介入が、法執行機関の怠慢が原因で容易にてまたは全く可能でない状況にあるのだ。


A woman holding a child looks down the valley from Kassam Pass, in Papua New Guinea's Highlands, an isolated region where some people must walk several days to reach the nearest road, and where activists believe the level of domestic violence against women is particularly high, although there is little, if any, official data.  © 2012 Vlad Sokhin/Panos









Stilt housing on the seafront in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, widely considered to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Although there are more services in Port Moresby than elsewhere, victims of family violence still often find themselves ignored by police and courts, unable to access services and pushed to reconcile with their attackers.   © 2013 Vlad Sokhin/Panos





“I went to the police 17 times. I went every week for the last month. They said this is a domestic problem. They just told my husband not to do it again. I brought my husband to the police station and the police said, ‘You have so many kids – you should go back and not do this again.’ I wanted them to put him in jail for one or two years. So far I have two bones broken,” she said. “It’s very hard for me to find food for the kids and send them to school.”
Jenella, age 39, mother of seven children, has gone back to her husband

“He came to me and asked for sex. I said no, because I was very tired. He accused me of having sex with others. About 2 or 3 a.m., he got a hot stick from the fire and he put it in my vagina. [The police] said they don’t have the car to arrest him. I went there two times. I spent two days waiting for the police. I am not happy with the police.”
Katherine, age 48, mother of two children

“They arrested him and sent us both to counseling with the sergeant of the [specialized police unit]. We met twice. Nothing happened. My husband continued bashing me. In the presence of the police he agreed to stop, but in the home there was no change. He was hitting me between counseling sessions. I told the police he was still hitting me. They warned him that they would take him to court if he didn’t stop. I asked the police to help me get a protection order. They said they were too busy.”
Kere, age 18, married for two years, mother of one child

“I decided to go back to him because of the children. He raped me again. He locked me in a room on Thursday and Friday. Then I managed to get away. I want to take him to court and get him kept away. I’m going to find a job and get my own home so I can get my children back. I want to stay away from my husband.”
Grace, age 44, mother of seven children, staying in a safe house at the time of the interview

“I went to the police three times in 2012 and once in 2013. The first three times, the police just called my husband [he is a police officer himself]. They took a complaint the fourth time, but never arrested him. After that I thought, I can’t get help. I was just helpless. I even went to his supervisor and asked them to take his weapon. At times I just feel, gosh, that’s the end of the world for me.”
Alice, age 38, mother of four children

“We’ve complained and asked the magistrates to be tougher. The prosecutors don’t deal with cases very effectively. Penalties are not strong enough.”
–Police officer with a specialized family and sexual violence unit

“The law about violence against women is not strong enough, so men take advantage…. The government is too far away from me.”
Survivor of family violence in the Highlands

“We have never used the FPA [Family Protection Act]. We can’t use the FPA without information on how to charge someone under it. No one sent any info to us on it.”
Police officer with a specialized family and sexual violence unit


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