(ワシントンD.C.)― ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日、28カ国対象の新たなオンライン調査結果を公表し、回答した5人に3人以上が、人間の介入なしに標的を選択して攻撃する兵器システム、通称「キラーロボット」の使用に反対していると発表した。
また、同じ世論調査では、キラーロボットに反対する人たちに、一番の懸念について質問している。3分の2(66%)が、自律型致死兵器システムは 「機械が人を殺すことは許されるべきではない、という道徳的な一線を越えてしまう 」と回答した。半数以上(53%)が、キラーロボットは「アカウンタビリティ(責任追及)がない」と答えており、また技術的な問題が発生するのではないかという懸念からの反対の声(42%)もあった。
Further Analysis of the Ipsos Surveys on Killer Robots
Overall Opposition to Killer Robots in 2020
The 2020 Ipsos poll was conducted in 28 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States.
The 2020 poll used the same question from the previous poll, which states:
The United Nations is reviewing the strategic, legal and moral implications of lethal autonomous weapons systems. These weapons systems would be capable of independently selecting targets and attacking those targets without human intervention. They are thus different than current day “drones” where humans select and attack targets. How do you feel about the use of such lethal autonomous weapons systems in war?
Of those who expressed a view, more than three times as many respondents said they opposed killer robots as those who were not opposed.
A majority of respondents in 26 countries opposed killer robots. The only countries where a majority of respondents did not oppose killer robots were France (47 percent) and India (36 percent).
In 21 countries, 59 percent or more of respondents were opposed: Sweden (76 percent opposed), Turkey (73 percent), Hungary (70 percent), Germany (68 percent), Norway (67 percent), Colombia (66 percent), Belgium (66 percent), Mexico (66 percent), Spain (66 percent), South Africa (66 percent), Peru (65 percent), Poland (65 percent), South Korea (65 percent), Australia (64 percent), Brazil (62 percent), Canada (60 percent), Switzerland (60 percent), Argentina (59 percent), Italy (59 percent), Japan (59 percent), and the Netherlands (59 percent).
Notably, a majority opposed killer robots in five countries most active in the development and testing of weapons systems with decreasing levels of human control: Russia (58 percent), UK (56 percent), US (55 percent), China (53 percent) and Israel (53 percent).