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Jennifer M. drew this using pencil and crayon as part of her therapy  for the psychological distress she suffered after witnessing the killing of her father by police officers inside their Quezon City home in December 2016. © 2016 Kiri Dalena for Human Rights Watch




ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本報告書のために49件の聞き取り調査を実施した。対象者は子ども10人、親や親戚、保護者 23人、政府関係者やNGO職員、コミュニティの指導者たち16人。マニラ首都圏を含む6つの都市および州でおきた23件の「麻薬撲滅戦争」による殺害を調査・検証した。




2016年にマンダルヨン市で殺害されたレナート・Aの遺族は、彼の死以後、極度の困難に直面している。 3人の子ども(当時13歳、10歳、1歳)は学校に行かず路上生活をしている。「お父さんが亡くなってから、もっと働かなくてはいけなくなりました」と、家計を助けるためにゴミ収集をしている長男のロバートは言う。「ぼくは弟たちの父親になったんです。」


2018年2月に国際刑事裁判所(ICC)はドゥテルテ大統領に対する「麻薬撲滅戦争」関連の申立てで予備調査を開始。フィリピン政府はこれに反発して同裁判所から脱退した。 2019年6月には国連人権理事会が、フィリピンの人権状況に関する包括的な報告書の提出を国連人権高等弁務官事務所に求める決議を可決。同事務所はジュネーブで今年6月に予定されている理事会会期中に報告する見通しだ。



Jennifer M., daughter of Benigno M., killed in December 2016:

I was confused because I didn’t understand why. Why my papa? Of all the people outside, why did they pick my father? I was angry at the policemen because my father was begging for mercy, but they didn’t listen to him. That’s why I was so angry.

I can’t explain it because with so many being killed here in Payatas, it’s like your mind gets muddled. How else to talk about it? What goes through your mind when you remember what happened? It's like your mind is in disarray.

Malou M., Jennifer’s mother:

It’s hard because you don’t know how you’re going to start, how you’re going to fend for your children, how you’re going to send them to school, and how you’re going to pay for their daily expenses and their meals. There are times they can’t go to school because they don’t have school allowance. We lost our tap water because we can’t pay the water bill, and electricity, and many more things.

Randy delos Santos, uncle of Kian delos Santos, 17, killed in August 2017:

If not for the CCTV footage, the truth about my nephew’s death may not have been known and there never would have been a case against the policemen.

Robert A., whose father was killed in December 2016:

We were out to buy peanuts. My cousin and I saw four men riding two motorcycles without plate numbers, their faces covered, wearing jackets. I tried to chase them, I tried to get ahead of them. I did everything I could to reach my father first, but it was too late. I saw my father being shot.

John [Robert’s brother] was more affected by my father’s death because ever since my father died, I don’t see him happy anymore. If I see him smile, it’s forced. He’s still looking for our father because he was my father’s favorite. He easily gets angry now and he lost trust in people.

I had to work harder when my father died. I became a father to my siblings because I don’t want to see them suffer … so I’m doing everything I can. I force myself to work even if I don’t want to. I force myself for me, for my siblings.

Karla A., Robert’s sister:

I was there when it happened, when my papa was shot. I saw everything, how my papa was shot.… Our happy family is gone. We don’t have anyone to call father now. We want to be with him, but we can’t anymore.

