Michele Alexander

미셜 알렉센더

사무부총장, 발전 및 글로벌 이니셔티브 총괄

Michele Alexander, Human Rights Watch's deputy executive director for development and global initiatives, has managed the organization's outreach, fundraising, and marketing initiatives since 1996. Michele established the Human Rights Watch Council in 1998. Under her leadership, Human Rights Watch has grown to a $70 million organization, with fundraising operations in 25 cities globally. During her tenure, Human Rights Watch has added more than 300 staff and has established offices in across North America and Europe, as well as in Beirut, Tokyo, and São Paulo, among other cities. Previously, Michele served as vice president for corporate support at CARE USA, where she also conducted development and program missions in Haiti, Pakistan, and Ecuador. While at CARE, she worked on contract for the United States Agency for International Development in Pakistan. In addition, she was a training consultant for the Anti-Defamation League, where she worked with universities and corporations on diversity recruitment and management issues. In addition to her professional role with Human Rights Watch, Michele is a member of the North Shore Schools Foundation, a non-profit raising money and conducting advocacy campaigns in support of the local public school district. She is a volunteer to several community organizations and regularly provides pro bono fundraising counsel.