
Corrections to our publications

Human Rights Watch strives to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our reporting. This includes a commitment to correcting errors or clarifying facts that appear in our publications in a timely fashion. Corrections appear both on this dedicated webpage and at the bottom of the publication that contained the error.

We cannot reply individually to all corrections requests, but all such requests that specify the exact nature of the alleged inaccuracy and the publication (title, page number / web address and date) in which it appeared will be reviewed. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in our materials, please contact us.

Errors contained in social media posts under Human Rights Watch and staff accounts will also be corrected in a prompt and transparent manner.


Or Send Your Corrections to:

HRW Publications
Attention: Corrections to the Human Rights Watch Website

Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor
New York, NY 10118-3299


Recent Corrections

  • This August 22, 2007, press release was revised to remove a sentence that incorrectly stated that three members of the Myanmar Development Committee (MDC), including MDC leader Ko Htin Kyaw, were arrested on August 21, 2007, following MDC's call for nationwide protests against a major fuel price hike. Instead, Htin Kyaw went into hiding on that date. He was subsequently arrested in Rangoon, together with a second activist, on August 25, 2007, after a city-wide manhunt by authorities. (August 27, 2007)

  • In a media statement released on August 15, 2007, Human Rights Watch described the National Center for Human Rights as "government-controlled." The Jordanian government appoints the Center's board members and sets a budget for its running costs, but the Center's work has shown its commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights and independence from government control. It would be more appropriate to describe the Center as the "governmental National Center for Human Rights." We apologize for this inaccurate description. (September 6, 2007 | Arabic Correction)

  • This June 2007 press release reported that on the night of Sunday, June 10, 2007, Fatah military forces shot and captured Muhammad al-Ra'fati, a Hamas supporter and mosque preacher, and threw him from a Gaza City high-rise apartment building.

  • This May 2007, press release states that Uzbek human rights defender Gulbahor Turaeva received a prison sentence of five years and eight months, following her second trial on new slander charges. According to a May 13, 2007 statement by the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, Turaeva's sentence for both the April 24, 2007 conviction and the May 7 conviction is a total of six years of imprisonment and a fine of 648,000 soms, or about U.S. $648.

    Turaeva's husband was in the courtroom for the reading of the second verdict against his wife on May 7 but was not provided with a written copy of this verdict.

    Human Rights Watch maintains that Turaeva has been prosecuted on politically motivated charges and should be immediately and unconditionally released. She is appealing her sentence. (Published May 14, 2007)

  • This March 2007 press release incompletely identified the corporate affiliation of the fourteen executives who are being prosecuted in Seoul on charges of illegally exporting weapons equipment and technology used to build an arms factory in Burma. Prosecutors accuse Daewoo International of being the lead company in the project, but it is not the case that all fourteen of the accused worked for that company. The former president and chief executive of Daewoo International, Lee Tae-yong, is on trial together with executives from a total of seven firms. (Published April 4, 2007)

  • Following additional research and review of available materials, HRW amended the online version of “Leave None to Tell the Story” to read as it currently does. (Published March 1999)