
Corrections to our publications

Human Rights Watch strives to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our reporting. This includes a commitment to correcting errors or clarifying facts that appear in our publications in a timely fashion. Corrections appear both on this dedicated webpage and at the bottom of the publication that contained the error.

We cannot reply individually to all corrections requests, but all such requests that specify the exact nature of the alleged inaccuracy and the publication (title, page number / web address and date) in which it appeared will be reviewed. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in our materials, please contact us.

Errors contained in social media posts under Human Rights Watch and staff accounts will also be corrected in a prompt and transparent manner.


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HRW Publications
Attention: Corrections to the Human Rights Watch Website

Human Rights Watch
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Recent Corrections

  • The English version of the Guinea report of May 2011 entitled “We Have Lived in Darkness” contained an error in the description of ECOWAS. The correct spelling of the description of ECOWAS is “Economic Community of West African States”. (May 31, 2011)

    In the English and French versions of the report, the name of the author of the article published in the Journal of Modern African Studies, Still Standing: neighborhood wars and political stability in Guinea, was misspelled. The correct spelling her name is Alexis Arieff. (July 15, 2011)

  • The May 9, 2011 press release incorrectly stated that, "the Convention was the first legally binding instrument that creates a comprehensive legal framework to combat violence against women through prevention, protection, prosecution, and victim support." The first legally binding international Convention specifically addressing violence against women was the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women (The Convention of Belem do Para), which was adopted in 1994. The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence is, however, the first in the region and is the most comprehensive legal document to date on violence against women. This was corrected in the updated version, which reads, "The convention is the first legally binding instrument in the region that creates a comprehensive legal framework to combat violence against women through prevention, protection, prosecution, and victim support."

  • This 10 April 2011 press release was updated to correct the name of a victim's family, a doctor's place of employment, and minor details. Dr. El-Fortia works at the Misrata Hospital, not the Polyclinic. The original press release stated that Dr. El-Fortia told Human Rights Watch about the 15 injured people, but the information came from another doctor. Additionally, the family name Suaib was misspelled as Sueib.

  • The April 7, 2011 press release quoted language from a final draft of the Action Plan circulated by the White House on April 6.  The public version of the plan published on April 7 did not include this language. The press release was updated by removing the quotes from around the phrases, "improve the handling of crimes against union members" and "accelerate action on outstanding labor violence cases." 

  • The March 31 news release stated that Maher al-Gerief and two friends, Walid al-Thaib and Khalid al-Mansuri went missing while driving "with weapons" to the front line in Brega. Human Rights Watch has since confirmed that they were travelling without weapons.

  • The February 13 version of this news release used the term “taser.” That was meant as a generic term for stun gun and did not intend to suggest that Taser-brand products were being used. (February 14, 2011)

  • The December 2010 report "We are a Buried Generation" incorrectly names and identifies the Iranian Queer Railroad as the Canada-based rights group that provided Human Rights Watch with information regarding a home raid in the city of Shiraz on July 10, 2010 (p. 50). In fact, it was the Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO), another Canada-based rights group working on LGBT issues that was responsible for providing this information. In addition, footnote 235 incorrectly refers to IRQR as the Iranian Queer Railroad. The correct name of the organization is the Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees. The report incorrectly names the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Council (IGLHRC) in the acknowledgment section of the report. The correct name of the organization is the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. (December 22, 2010)

  • In an October 8, 2010 news release, Human Rights Watch stated that Mushabbab bin Ali al-Ahmari, who was executed by Saudi Arabia on January 15, 2009, was a juvenile offender. The two English language press accounts on which we relied, however, appear to have mistranslated a Saudi government statement. The Saudi statement said that the government had waited until the heirs of the individual killed by Mushabbab had turned 18, not for Mushabbab himself to turn 18. Our press release has been revised to remove the reference to this case, and to reflect that Saudi Arabia is therefore known to have executed at least two juvenile offenders in 2009. (November 2, 2010)

  • In a September 24, 2010 news release, Human Rights Watch noted that the Rainsy Party was launched in 1998, whereas it was actually launched in 1995. The launch date of the Party has been corrected in the news release. (September 24, 2010)

  • The July 21, 2010 news release, “Rwanda: Allow Independent Autopsy of Opposition Politician,” incorrectly stated that Andre Kagwa Rwisereka had left some money with a relative on the evening of July 14. The correct date is July 12, 2010.