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September 1, 1994

Discrimination Against Women Under Botswana’s Citizenship Act

Recent events indicate that the government of Botswana is continuing to enforce provisions of the Botswana Citizenship Act that discriminate on the basis of sex, in defiance of a 1992 Botswana Court of Appeal decision holding those provisions unconstitutional and contrary to international human rights standards.
September 1, 1994

Child Soldiers in Liberia

Children who have been used as soldiers are among the most tragic victims of the war in Liberia.
August 1, 1994

Political Rights and the 1994 Presidential and Congressional Elections

Demands for an overhaul of the Mexican political system acquired renewed political force following an armed uprising by Indian peasants in the southern state of Chiapas on January 1, 1994. The fairness of these elections was a litmus test of the government’s willingness to achieve a genuinely representative democracy and give ordinary Mexicans the right to hold their representatives accountable.
August 1, 1994

Abuses Rise as International Pressure on India Eases

As the conflict in Kashmir continues into its fifth year, the government of India appears to have stepped up its catch-and-kill campaign against Muslim insurgents, resulting in an escalation of human rights abuses since early 1994. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of the casualties, falling victim both to government forces and to the various factions, collectively known as “militants.”
August 1, 1994

An Analysis of Criminal Case No. 7493810

Between May and October 1992, nineteen men were arrested in Georgia on a variety of criminal charges; by September, their cases were united into one - Case No. 7493810 - along with the case against former President of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia for abuse of power and related political crimes.
August 1, 1994

The Crisis of Internal Displacement in Haiti

Like their enslaved ancestors more than two centuries ago, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Haitians are on the run, fleeing the murderous military regime that sent their elected president into exile after the September 30, 1991 coup d'etat.
July 1, 1994

The Preliminary Report on Disappearances of the National Commissioner for the Protection of Human Rights in Honduras

Battalion 3-16, a clandestine military death squad originally trained and equipped by the CIA, is synonymous with torture, murder and disappearance in Honduras. The nightmare began in August 1980, when twenty-five Honduran army officers were flown to a desert air strip in the southwestern U.S. to spend six months learning interrogation techniques.
July 1, 1994

Continuing Rural Violence and Restrictions on Freedom of Speech and Assembly

After winning the first multiparty election since 1963 in December of 1993, the government of Daniel arap Moi has increased its harassment of the political opposition, bringing spurious criminal charges against opposition politicians, forcing unwarranted restrictions on their freedom of association, and arresting them without charge.
July 1, 1994

The White House conference on Africa came at a time when the Clinton Administration’s cautious response to the monstrous crime of genocide in Rwanda was increasingly under attack at home and abroad and offered an opportunity for it to adopt a much-needed change of course. This report offers a summary of human rights developments and U.S. human rights policy in ten African countries.