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November 1, 1995

State Response to Domestic Violence and Rape

The new South African government has pledged to ensure women a full and equal role in every aspect of the economy and society. Yet South African women continue to face extraordinarily high levels of violence which prevent them from enjoying the rights they are guaranteed under the new dispensation.
November 1, 1995

Since the end of 30 years of military dictatorship and the election in 1992 of the country’s first civilian president in three decades, the Republic of Korea is a more open country with a government that pledges respect for international human rights. Nevertheless, it has not lived up to its pledges.
October 15, 1995

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo: A woman holds a photo of her missing son as Bosnian Muslim relatives of the victims and survivors of the Srebrenica massacre meet with Dutch former peacekeeping troops. © 2007 Reuters

October 1, 1995

During the late 1980s, Morocco’s human rights record came under intense scrutiny by the international community. After decades of repression, the government took a series of steps that were critical in creating a climate of greater freedom in Morocco. This wave of changes would make human rights rhetoric a permanent part of the national language and forever alter political realities in Morocco.
October 1, 1995

In the year after Pres. Aristide returned to Haiti, there was marked, concrete improvement in respect for human rights and the government launched institutional reforms that should bring lasting change. In this report, however, we note several cases of improper use of force and other problems with the interim and new national police forces.
October 1, 1995

To facilitate its full integration into the world community—and thus the world economy—the Cuban government is trying to improve its human rights image.
October 1, 1995

While the Croatian government has taken steps to correct some of the abuses of human rights that had marked Croatia's first two years of independence, violations of civil and political rights by reason of ethnic identity and political dissent continue.
October 1, 1995

The United Nations Operation in the Western Sahara

In 1988, both Morocco and the Polisario Front agreed to a United Nations Settlement Plan. After sixteen years of war, a cease-fire formally took effect in the Western Sahara in September 1991. In August 1995, Human Rights Watch conducted a fact-finding mission to Tindouf, Algeria and to Laayoune, the capital of the Western Sahara.
October 1, 1995

In March and May 1995, the Human Rights Watch Children=s Rights Project conducted an investigation in Louisiana into the conditions in which children are confined in that state, examining the human rights aspects of their incarceration.We found that substantial numbers of children in the state training institutions are regularly physically abused by guards, are kept in isolation for long periods o