
Corrections to our publications

Human Rights Watch strives to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our reporting. This includes a commitment to correcting errors or clarifying facts that appear in our publications in a timely fashion. Corrections appear both on this dedicated webpage and at the bottom of the publication that contained the error.

We cannot reply individually to all corrections requests, but all such requests that specify the exact nature of the alleged inaccuracy and the publication (title, page number / web address and date) in which it appeared will be reviewed. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in our materials, please contact us.

Errors contained in social media posts under Human Rights Watch and staff accounts will also be corrected in a prompt and transparent manner.


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HRW Publications
Attention: Corrections to the Human Rights Watch Website

Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor
New York, NY 10118-3299


Recent Corrections

  • An earlier version of this Dispatch misstated the relevant government agency involved in this incident. The Dispatch has been changed to reflect this.

  • The October 20 attack on a mosque in Ghor province killed up to 33 people. Bombings targeting Afghanistan’s minority Shia population at mosques and religious ceremonies are on the rise this year, with at least 149 people dead and more than 300 injured since January. An earlier version of this dispatch misstated the sect targeted in the October 20 attack at the mosque in Ghor province, and the number of people who have died in bombings targeting Afghanistan's minority Shia population at mosques and religious ceremonies.

  • An earlier version of this news release incorrectly listed opposition senator Thak Lany as being held in custody. In fact, she resigned from her Senate seat in February 2017 and is currently living in exile.

  • An earlier version of this press release incorrectly stated the year Jordan started hosting Syrian refugees. It has been corrected to reflect that “Jordan has hosted more than 654,500 Syrian refugees since 2011.”

  • An earlier version of this dispatch inaccurately stated the name of the documentary film targeted for restrictions by the Indonesian military. The dispatch has been changed to reflect this.

  • 9/22: An earlier version of this incorrectly said that, "Last weekend, three children were killed by Houthi rebel gunfire while playing football in Taiz, the third largest city in Yemen." We have corrected this to read as, "Last weekend, three children, two while playing football, were killed by Houthi-Saleh artillery attacks in Taiz, the third largest city in Yemen."

  • The previous subhead of this news release incorrectly stated the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea denies the existence of domestic violence. The news release was updated to reflect that the government denies child rape and sexual abuse.

  • A previous version of this news release stated that the 2017 vigil outside Changi prison was to protest the country's death penalty. The vigil was actually to support the family of S. Prabagara; the news release has been updated to reflect this correction. 

  • An earlier version of this dispatch mistakenly referred to both lawyers as belonging to the CUP. The Dispatch has been changed to reflect this.

  • This press release was updated to correct the claim that a prosecutor ordered a wiretap on Hamid El Mahdaoui’s telephone line; in fact the order applied to his interlocutor’s phone. See here for more details.