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ADF Allied Democratic Forces
DP Democratic Party
ESO External Security Organization
FAD Foundation for African Development
FHRI Foundation for Human Rights Initiative
FOWODE Forum for Women in Democracy
FRONESA Front for National Salvation
HRC Uganda Human Rights Commission
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
IFES International Foundation for Election Systems
ISO Internal Security Organization
LC Local Councils, formerly known as Resistance Councils (RC)
LDU Local Defense Unit
LRA/M Lord's Resistance Army/Movement
Chaka-mchaka Program of political and military education instituted by the NRM
government to promote the movement political system.
NDF National Democrats Forum
NOCEM National Organization for Civic Education and Elections Monitoring
NRM/A The National Resistance Movement/Army, subsequently renamed the UPDF
RDC Resident District Commissioners
SPLM/A The Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/Army
Tabliq An Islamic group, also known as Jamaat Daawa Assalafiya. Some radical elements of the Tabliq group are suspected of involvement in the ADF rebel movement
UDHR Universal Declaration on Human Rights
UHEDOC Uganda Human Rights Education and Documentation Center
UNA Uganda National Army
UNICEF United Nations Childrens' Fund
UNLA Uganda National Liberation Army
UNRF II Uganda National Rescue Front II
UPC Uganda People's Congress
UPM Uganda Patriotic Movement
UPDA Uganda People's Democratic Army
UPDF Uganda People's Defense Force
UYD Uganda Young Democrats
WFP World Food Program
Unlike the law of Moses, most human rights are not divinely ordained and are subject to modification to fit the political and socio-economic conditions of the societies where they are applied.
President Yoweri Museveni, speaking at Liberation Day celebrations in Kampala, January 26, 1999.
Fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual are inherent and not granted by the State.
Uganda Constitution (1995), Article 20 (1).