To the Zimbabwean Government:
· Halt the creation and training of militia led by war veterans and Zanu-PF supporters and end the violence and intimidation of those perceived to be in opposition to government policies in Zimbabwe.
· Instruct the police to protect all people equally and bring those who are alleged to have perpetrated crimes to justice.
· Ensure that all state organs respect the law and the decisions of judicial authorities, and that the police enforce judgments made by competent tribunals.
· Provide free access to human rights and humanitarian organizations carrying out human rights monitoring, education, relief, or development programs to all parts of Zimbabwe, including communal areas and commercial farms. Cease threats against such organizations and facilitate proper criminal investigation of threats and assaults against human rights workers.
· Suspend the "fast track" resettlement program and institute a program of land reform complying with the obligations assumed under the September 2001 Commonwealth Abuja Agreement and the conclusions of the 1998 international donors' conference on land reform. Such a program must set out an open and transparent process and respect the rule of law. It must not discriminate on the grounds of political affiliation or gender.
· Establish by law an independent body-such as a land commission suggested at the 1998 donor's conference-to resolve conflicts over land allocation, including conflicts caused by occupation of land in violation of the procedures established by the law, in accordance with the principles established at Abuja and at the donors' conference. Appoint experienced, independent individuals, knowledgeable in land reform issues, to preside over this body, and ensure that their terms of reference are clear, that they are free of state or party interference, and that the body is adequately resourced. There should be a right of appeal to the regular courts.
· Respect the independence of the judiciary, and strengthen the processes that are designed to ensure that judges appointed at all levels of the court system are independent and impartial.
· Ensure an independent and impartial review of the performance of the "fast track" process, for example in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, in order to identify problems with the program, especially with regard to political selection of beneficiaries, and propose mechanisms for resolving these problems in the future.
· Incorporate the obligations assumed by Zimbabwe under international human rights treaties it has ratified into domestic law.
To the International Community, including in particular the Southern African Development Community, the Commonwealth, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States:
· Maintain pressure on Zimbabwe to respect its obligations under international human rights law to restore the rule of law both to the land reform program and to the country more generally.
· Make available generous funds to the Zimbabwe government to implement a land reform program that complies with the principles established by the September 2001 Commonwealth Abuja Agreement and the 1998 international donors' conference on land reform.
· If the Zimbabwe government does not undertake actions in accordance with the recommendations above, take further steps to bring pressure to bear on the government to ensure that it does so.
· Assist civil society groups in Zimbabwe, including human rights groups, to continue monitoring and reporting on abuses, in particular in the rural areas.