What you can do
Inform Yourself About Darfur:
publications on Darfur on our Crisis in Darfur page. You can read HRW's reports on abuses in Darfur and see our photo galleries from the region, watch video, and listen to radio segments on the crisis in Western Sudan. View the "Crisis Guide" by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Integrated Regional Information Networks has a CD-ROM available about Darfur: Peace under Fire: Sudan's Darfur Crisis. This is for use in advocacy and has links and reports and articles. Contact irin@ocha.unon.org for a copy. Many resources are available from www.savedarfur.org an international network for activists working on Darfur.
Write to Your Local Newspaper:
Or contact your local radio and TV stations, and ask them for more news on Darfur!
Hold a Video Screening:
Raise public awareness of the crisis in Darfur by inviting friends and neighbors to a screening of Human Rights Watch's video "Darfur Destroyed," available as a DVD. The six-minute video includes scenes of burned and bombed villages and extensive interviews with the civilian victims of the crisis. Villagers interviewed for the video describe attacks by those they call “Janjaweed” militias operating in concert with Sudanese government forces.
Write to the Members of the UN Security Council:
Urge them to take immediate action on Darfur to protect civilians, reverse ethnic cleansing, end impunity, and ensure full humanitarian access to all people in need throughout the region. Ask the Security Council to:
- Issue a resolution condemning the Sudanese government's recent and ongoing bombardment of civilian areas in West Darfur and the imposition of targeted sanctions on responsible individuals.
- Maintain pressure on the government of Sudan to facilitate the swift and effective deployment of the United Nations-African Union hybrid peacekeeping force (UNAMID).
- Issue a resolution demanding that the Sudanese government immediately surrender the two suspects named by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.
Click here for contact information for the UN missions of the countries on the Security Council this year, 2008.
Write to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Ask him to:
- Publicly condemn abuses by all parties to the conflict, in particular to publicly press the government of Sudan to end its ongoing attacks on civilians and other abuses, to reign in and disarm the Janjaweed militia, to facilitate the deployment of UNAMID, and to cooperate with the International Criminal Court.
- Urge UN and AU Member States to fully support the deployment of the UNAMID protection force with the necessary technical and logistical assistance, including personnel and helicopter units.
You may contact the UN secretary-general at: inquiries@un.org
Write to the Sudanese Government: Ask the Sudanese government to:
- Immediately cease its campaign of ethnic cleansing and stop all deliberate or indiscriminate ground and aerial attacks against civilians and civilian property in Darfur through the use of Government forces and government-sponsored and supplied militia/Janjaweed.
- Fully and proactively support the swift and effective deployment of UNAMID and ensure that UNAMID can carry out their mandates unhindered, including having freedom of movement throughout Darfur.
- Fully cooperate with the International Criminal Court, as per UN Security Council Resolution 1593, including handing over Ahmed Haroun and Ali Kosheib in accordance with the arrest warrants issued by the Pre-Trial Chamber on April 27, 2007.
- Provide full and unimpeded access for national and international human rights monitoring missions.
Letters to the Sudanese government should be addressed to the following individuals:
- His Excellency President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
- Office of the President
- People's Palace
- PO Box 281
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: +249 183 782541
- His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit
- First Vice-President
- People's Palace
- PO Box 281
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: + 249 11 779977 / 771025
- His Excellency Ali Osman Mohamed Taha
- Vice-President
- People's Palace
- PO Box 281
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: + 249 183 77 10 25
- Mr Abdel Bassit Sabdarat
- Minister of Justice
- Ministry of Justice
- PO Box 302
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: +249 183 780796
- Mr Deng Alor
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs/External Relations
- PO Box 873
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: + 249 183 77 93 83
- Mr Ibrahim Mohamed Hamed
- Minister of Internal Affairs
- Ministry of Interior
- PO Box 873
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: +249 183 779383
- Dr Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha
- Advisory Council for Human Rights, Rapporteur
- PO Box 302
- Khartoum, Sudan
- Fax: +249 183 77 08 83
- H.E. Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohamed
- Permanent Representative
- Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations
- 305 East 47th Street, 4th Floor
- New York, NY, 10017
- Fax: 1 212 573 6169
Donate to Humanitarian Agencies in the United States:
A number of nongovernmental humanitarian agencies are providing help to Sudanese refugees in Chad and to Darfurians inside Sudan. Contact the following agencies for more information on their work in Chad and Darfur:
- 151 Ellis Street NE
- Atlanta, GA 30303-2440
- United States
- Phone: 1-800-521-CARE ext. 999
- Online at: http://www.careusa.org
- Doctors Without Borders-Holland (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF-H)
- Doctors Without Borders-France (MSF-F):
- Please contact MSF's New York office at 1-888-392-0392
- Online at http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- 19 avenue de la Paix
- 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
- Online at: http://www.icrc.org
- International Rescue Committee
- 122 East 42nd Street
- New York, NY 10168
- United States
- Phone: 212-551-3000
- Online at: http://www.theirc.org
- Oxfam America
- 1100 15th St., NW Suite 600
- Washington, DC 20005
- Online at: http://www.oxfamamerica.org
- Save the Children-US
- Attn: Donor Services
- 54 Wilton Road
- Westport, CT 06880
- Phone: 1-800-728-3843
- Online at: http://www.savethechildren.org
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- c/o USA for UNHCR
- 1775 K Street, NW Suite 290
- Washington, DC 20006
- United States
- Phone: 1-800-770-1100
- Online at: http://www.usaforunhcr.org
- UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)
- c/o US Fund for UNICEF
- 333 East 38th Street
- New York, NY 10016
- United States
- Online at: http://www.unicefusa.org
Donate to Humanitarian Agencies in the United Kingdom:
A number of nongovernmental humanitarian agencies are providing help to Sudanese refugees in Chad and to Darfurians inside Sudan. Contact the following agencies for more information on their work in Chad and Darfur:
- 10-13 Rushworth Street
- London SE1 0RB
- United Kingdom
- Tel: +44 (0)207 934 9334
- Fax: +44 (0)207 934 9335
- Email: info@ciuk.org
- Website: http://www.careinternational.org.uk
- Médecins Sans Frontières (UK)
- 67-74 Saffron Hill
- London
- EC1N 8QX
- Tel: 020 7404 6600
- Fax: 020 7404 4466
- E-mail: office-ldn@london.msf.org
- Website: http://www.msf.org/home-uk.cfm
- Save the Children-UK
- Witney
- OX29 7BR UK
- Phone: 44-20-7012-6400
- Website: http://www.savethechildren.org.uk
- Africa House
- 64-78 Kingsway
- WC2B 6NB London
- United Kingdom
- +44 20 7405.5592
- Email: info@unicef.org.uk
- Website: http://www.unicef.org.uk
- Millbank Tower
- 21-14 Millbank
- London SW1P 4PQ
Security Council Members and Contact Information:
- Belgium
- Term Ends: December 31, 2008
- Presidency: June 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Johan Verbeke
- Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations
- One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
- 885 Second Avenue, 41st Floor
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 378 6300
- Fax: +1 212 681 7618
- Email: newyorkUN@diplobel.be
- Burkina Faso
- Term Ends: December 31, 2009
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Michel Kafando
- Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the United Nations
- 866 United Nations Plaza
- Suite 326/327A
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 308 4720/4721
- Fax: +1 212 308 4690
- E-mail: bfapm@un.int
- China
- Permanent Member
- Presidency: April 2005
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Wang Guangya
- Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Liu Zhenmin
- Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
- 350 East 35th Street
- New York, New York USA 10016
- Tel: +1 212 655 6100
- Fax. +1 212 634 0042
- E-mail: chinamission un@mfa.gov.cn
- Costa Rica
- Term Ends: December 31, 2009
- Permanent Representative: S.E Sr. Jorge Urbina
- Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations
- 211 East 43rd Street
- Room 903
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 986 6373/ 74
- Fax: +1 212 986 6842
- e-mail: misioncostaricaun@yahoo.com
- Croatia
- Term Ends: December 31, 2009
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mrs. Mirjana Mladineo
- Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations
- 820 Second Avenue
- 19th Floor
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 986 1585
- Fax: +1212 986 2011
- E-mail: cromiss.un@mvp.hr
- France
- Permanent Member
- Presidency: June 2005
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Jean-Maurice Ripert
- Deputy Permanent Representative: Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix
- Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
- One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
- 245 East 47th Street, 44th Floor
- New York, New York USA 10017
- Tel: +1 212 702 4900
- Fax: +1212 421 6889
- E-mail: france@un.int
- Correspondence: French
- Indonesia
- Presidency: November 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa
- Charge d'affaires: H.E. Mrs. Adiyatwidi
- Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations
- 325 East 38th Street
- New York, NY 10016
- Tel: +1 212 972 8333
- Fax: +1 212 972 9780
- Email: ptri@indonesiamission-ny.org
- Italy
- Term Ends: December 31, 2008
- Presidency: December 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Marcello Spatafora
- Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations
- 2 United Nations Plaza, 24th floor
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 646 840 5300
- Fax: +1 212 486 1036
- Email: info.italyun@esteri.it
- Libya
- Term Ends: December 31, 2009
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Giadalla A. Ettalhi
- Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Attia Omar Mubarak
- The Permanent Mission of Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the United Nations
- 309 East 48 street
- New York, NY, 10017, USA
- Tel: +1 212 752 5775
- Fax: + 1 212 593 4787
- Panama
- Term Ends: December 31, 2008
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Ricardo Alberto Arias
- Permanent Mission of Panama to the United Nations
- 866 U.N. Plaza, Suite 4030
- Nueva York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 421-5420
- Fax: +1 212 421-2694
- Email: emb@panama-un.org
- Russian Federation
- Permanent Member
- SC Presidency: November 2005; March 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Vitaly Churkin
- Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
- 136 East 67th Street
- New York, New York USA 10021
- Telephone: +1 212 861 4900, -4901
- Fax: +1 212 628 0252, 212 517 7427
- E-mail: rusun@un.int
- South Africa
- Term Ends: December 31, 2008
- Presidency: March 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Dumisani Shadrack Kumalo
- Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations
- 333 East 38th Street
- New York, NY 10016
- Tel: +1 212 213 5583
- Fax: +1 212 692 2498
- E-mail: pmun@southafrica-newyork.net
- United Kingdom
- Permanent Member
- SC Presidency: December 2005; May 2007
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Sir John Sawers, KCMG
- Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Ms. Karen Pierce
- Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations
- One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 885 Second Avenue
- New York, NY 10017
- Telephone: +1 212 745 9200
- Telefax:+1 212 745 9316
- E-mail: uk@un.int
- United States of America
- Permanent Member
- SC Presidency: February 2006
- Permanent Representative: Mr. Zalmay Khalizad
- Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations
- 799 United Nations Plaza
- New York, NY 10017-3505
- Telephone: +1 212 415 4000
- Telefax: +1 212 415 4443
- E-mail: usa@un.int
- Viet Nam
- Term Ends: December 31, 2009
- Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Le Luong Minh
- Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Hoang Chi Trung
- Permanent Mission of Viet Nam to the United Nations
- 866 United Nations Plaza
- Suite 435
- New York, NY 10017
- Tel: +1 212 644 0594 / 0831
- Fax: +1 212 644 5732
- Email: info@vietnam-un.org