2024年 01月 9日

Principled Diplomacy Critical to Uphold Human Rights Framework

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  • 2023年 05月 23日 Video
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  • 2021年 05月 20日 Video
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  • 2020年 10月 29日 Video
    (New York, October 29, 2020) – Governments should maximize Covid-19 vaccine access and affordability for people worldwide, and those funding vaccines with public money should be transparent about the terms and conditions attached, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Governments should support India and South Africa’s proposal to waive some aspects of global intellectual property (IP) rules to enable large-scale manufacturing and make vaccines affordable for all. The 62-page report, “‘Whoever Finds the Vaccine Must Share It’: Strengthening Human Rights and Transparency around Covid-19 Vaccines,” examines three significant barriers to universal and equitable access to any vaccine that is found to be safe and effective – transparency, supply, and pricing. Human Rights Watch spells out governments’ human rights obligation to ensure that the scientific benefits of the research they fund with public money are shared as widely as possible to protect people’s lives, health, and livelihoods. Human Rights Watch also argues that using public money without reporting its terms and conditions undermines the human rights principles of transparency and accountability. Governments should take steps to maximize the availability and affordability of safe and effective vaccines and minimize debt for low- and middle-income countries.
    A health worker displays a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in Istanbul, Turkey on October 9, 2020.
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  • 2019年 03月 19日 Video
    日本では、自らの性自認(ジェンダー·アイデンティティ)に従った性別の認定(戸籍記載変更)を望むトランスジェンダーの人びとに対し、生殖腺を除去する不妊手術が義務づけられています。 こうした日本の政策は、人権尊重の義務に反しているだけでなく、世界の流れに逆行し、トランスジェンダーの人びとを傷つけています。
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  • 2018年 03月 27日 Video
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  • 2017年 09月 12日 Video
    A Rohingya woman in a camp in Bangladesh
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