o Article 498 of the Security Laws, which criminalizes the establishment of any group that aims to disrupt national security;168
o Article 500, which sets a sentence of three months to one year of imprisonment for anyone found guilty of in any way advertising against the order of the Islamic Republic of Iran or advertising for the benefit of groups or institutions against the order;
o Article 610, which designates gathering or colluding against the domestic or international security of the nation or commissioning such acts as a crime punishable from two to five years of imprisonment;169
o Article 618, which criminalizes disrupting the order and comfort and calm of the general public or preventing people from work and allows for a sentence of 3 months to one year, and up to 74 lashes;170
o Article 513 of the Islamic Penal Code, which criminalizes any insults to any of the Islamic sanctities or holy figures in Islam and carries a punishment of one to five years, and in some instances may carry a death penalty;
o Article 514, which criminalizes any insults directed at the first Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini or at the current Leader may be sentenced to six months to two years in prison.