
Appendix III: Selected Bibliography


All-China Lawyers Association, ed. Harmonious Society and Lawyers’ Mission (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007). [中华全国律师协会(编), 和谐社会与律师使命 (北京:北京大学出版社, 2007).]

Bian Jianlin, ed. The Quest for China's Criminal Justice Reform - Taking for Reference the Norms of the United Nation on Criminal Justice (Bejing: Chinese People's Public Security University Press, 2007). [卞建林(著编),中国刑事司法改革探索-以联合国刑事司法准则为参照 (北京:中国人民公安大学出版社, 2007).]

Beijing Lawyers Association, ed. Beijing Lawyers Forum (Beijing: China Law Press, 2005). [北京市律师协会编: 律师执业讲坛, (北京: 法律出版社, 2005).]

Cabestan, Jean-Pierre. “The Political and Practical Obstacles to the Reform of the Judiciary and the Establishment of a Rule of Law in China,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 10, no. 1, April 2005.

Cheng Tao. Research on Procedural Rights of Defence Attorneys (Beijing: Chinese People's Public Security University Press, 2006). [程滔(著), 辩护律师的诉讼权利研究, 北京: 中国人民公安大学出版社, 2006.]

China Society for Human Rights Studies, “Reform of China’s Judicial System Promotes Protection of Human Rights: An interview with Wang Shengjun, secretary-general of the Politico-Legal Committee of the CPC Central Committee,” Human Rights, vol. 4 no.2 (March 2005), (accessed November 2, 2007).

Cohen, Jerome A. “China’s Legal Reform at the Crossroad,” Far Eastern Economic Review, March 2006.

———. “A Slow March to Legal Reform,” Far Eastern Economic Review, October 2007.

Constitutional and Human Rights Committee of the All-China Lawyers Association, Tsinghua University Constitutional and Civil Rights Centre, China’s Impact Litigation, Study Material (non-published mimeograph) (Bejing, January-June 2006, Beijing), 94 p. [中华全国律师协会宪法与人权专业委员会, 清华大学宪法于公民权利中心, 中国影响性诉讼, 学习资料 内部交流, (第一辑 2006 年1-6月).] On file with Human Rights Watch.

Chen Guangcheng, “Violence in Enforcing Family Planning in a Chinese Region,” The Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CRD) on June 11, 2005, (accessed June 15, 2005).

Cheng Hai, and Gao Fengquan, Zhang Lihui, Ou-Yang Zhigang, Li Heping, Li Qingsong, Meng Xianming, et al. “Strongly Requesting the Protection of the Security of the Legal Profession According to Law, and the Amelioration of the Working Conditions of the Legal Profession,” Letter to the central government, dated December 29, 2006 [“强烈要求依法保护律师执业安全, 改善律师执业环境,” 2006-12-29], (accessed May 15, 2007).

Fang Baoguo, “Present Situations and Outlets of a Lawyer’s Meeting-Difficulty [Translated title as published],” Lawyer Digest, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 52-69. [房保国, “律师会见难的现状与出路,” 律师文摘, 2007, 4辑, 52-69页.]

Halliday, Terence C. and Sida Liu. “Birth of a Liberal Moment? Looking Through a One-Way Mirror at Lawyers’ Defense of Criminal Defendants in China,” in Terrence. C. Halliday, L. Karpik, and M. M. Feeley (eds.). Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Liberalism (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007).

Hand, Keith J.  “Using Law for a Righteous Purpose: The Sun Zhigang Incident and Evolving Forms of Citizen Action in the People’s Republic of China,” Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 45, issue 1 (2006).

Henderson, Keith. “The rule of law and judicial corruption in China: half-way over the Great Wall,” in Transparency International, Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption and Judicial Systems (Cambridge University Press, April 2007), pp. 151-159.

Fu Hualing. “When Lawyers are Prosecuted: The Struggle of a Profession in Transition,” Social Science Research Network (, May 2007,

Fu Hualing, and Richard Cullen. “Weiquan (Rights Protection) Lawyering in an Authoritarian State,” unpublished manuscript, 2007.

Huang, Lirong. “Legal Theory Considerations on the Standards of Case Filing in Civil Litigation,” Case-filing Office of the Supreme People’s Court, ed., Guide on Case-Filing , Beijing: People’s Court Publishing House, November 2004 (China Trial Guide series), pp. 89-91. [黄立嵘, “关于民事立案标准的法理思考” 载 最高人民法院立案厅 编, 立案工作指导, 北京:人民法院出版社, 2004-11 (中国审判指导丛书).]

Huang Jiayou. “Considerations on some issues related to the education in socialist rule of law viewpoints,” China Laws (, June 13, 2006. [黄家由, “社会主义法治理念教育若干问题思考,” 国法律资源网, 2006-6-13 ],

Human Rights Watch. “A Great Danger for Lawyers”: New Regulatory Curbs on Lawyers Representing Protesters, vol. 18, no. 15(C), December 2006.

“Interview with Wang Shengjun, Secretary of the Central Committee Political and Legal Committee,”, November 24, 2006 [“访中央政法委秘书长王胜俊”, 中国平安王, 2006-11-24.]

Law Yearbook of China 2006 (Beijing: Press of Law Yearbook of China, 2006). [中国法律年鉴2006, (北京: 法律年鉴出版社, 2007).]

Li Jianqiang, “Review of the situation of freedom of religion and freedom of expression in China in 2006,” internet publication, dated November 11, 2006 (revised December 8, 2006) [李建强, “2006年中国信仰自由和言论自由状况回顾 作者”, 2006年1月20日 (12月8日修定)].

Li, Yuwen. “Court Reforms in China: Problems, Progress and Prospects,” in Jianfu Chen, Yuwen Li, Jan Michiel Otto, eds., Implementation of Law in the People’s Republic of China (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002).

Liebman, Benjamin L. “Lawyers, Legal Aid, and Legitimacy in China,” in William P.  Alford, ed., Raising the Bar : The Emerging Legal Profession in East Asia,  Harvard University Press (2007),  pp. 311-356.

———. “Watchdog or Demagogue? The Media in the Chinese Legal System,” Columbia Law Review, vol. 105, Issue 1 (January 2005), pp. 1- 157.

Long, Zongzhi. Study of the criminal trial system, (Beijing: Politics and Law University Press, 2001), p. 151. [龙宗智, 形事庭审制度研究, (北京: 中国政法大学出版, 2001), 第151页.]

Looking at the difficulties in building a harmonious society from the perspective of the Letters and Visit work, Central Party School, March 29, 2007 [“从信访工作中的问题看和谐社会建设难点重点,” 中央党校进修一班第40期A班社会发展方向第三课题组, 2007-03-29].

Michelson, Ethan. “Lawyers, Political Embeddedness, and Institutional Continuity in China's Transition from Socialism,” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 113, Issue 2 (2007).

———.  “The Practice of Law as an Obstacle to Justice: Chinese Lawyers at Work,” Law & Society Review, vol. 40 Issue 1 (2006).

PRC Ministry of Public Security Press Communique, “Ministry of Public Security Report on the Trend and Situation of Social Order for the first half of 2007,” August 14, 2007 [“公安部举行新闻发布会通报2007年上半年社会治安形势有关情况,”  2007-08-14].

PRC Ministry of Public Security Press Conference, “Press Release: Ministry of Public Security Report on the Trend of Social Order and Disaster in 2005,” January 20, 2006 [“公安部召开新闻发布会通报2005年全国社会治安形势暨火灾形势,” 2006-01-20].

Sapio, Flora. “Shuanggui and Extralegal Detention in China,” China Information, No. 22 (Forthcoming in March 2008).

Selection of Cases of Defense of Lawyers’ Rights, (Changchun: Jilin People’s Press, 2003) [律师维权案例选, (长春:吉林人民出版社, 2003).]

 “Statistical Survey of Legal Aid,” China Legal Aid Network (, May 14, 2007 [法律援助统计情况, 中国法律援助网, 2007-5-14].

“The Status of Lawyers and the Revision of the Law on Lawyers,” Lawyer Digest, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 13-19. [“律师地位与律师法修改,” 律师文摘,2007,第4辑, 13-19页] .

The Third Dongfang Forum on Public Interest Litigation, Localization of Public interest Litigation in China, vol. II 130, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, August 25, 2006. [中国社会科学法院学研究所, 第三届东方公益诉讼论坛, 公益诉讼的本土, 2006年8月 中国北京.]

Tian Wenchang, and Chen Ruihua, eds. Draft Recommendations and Considerations by the Legal Profession on the Revisions to the Criminal Procedure Law of the PRC, (Beijing: Law Press China, 2007). [田文昌、陈瑞华(主编),中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法在修改-律师建议稿于论证, (北京:法律出版社, 2007).]

Wang Canfa. “Chinese Environmental Law Enforcement: Current Deficiencies and Suggested Reforms,” Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 8 (2006-2007).

“When is lawyer’s help most needed? Survey of 200 detainees in Beijing,” China Lawyers, Issue 11, 2003, p. 4. [“什么时候最需要律师帮助: 对北京200名在押人员的调查”, 中国律师, 2003年第11期,第4页.]

Work Report of the Supreme People’s Court (2006), March 13, 2007. [最高人民法院工作报告,2007-3-14 ]. 

Xin Chunying. Chinese Courts: History and Transition (Bejing: Law Press - China, 2003). (Published with support from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.)

Ye Qing and Gu Yuejin, eds. Study of the Lawyers System in China (Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2005). [ 叶青, 顾跃进 (主编), 中国律师制度研究, (上海: 上海社会科学出版社, 2005).]

Yi Sheng. “A Promised Unfulfilled: The Impact of China’s 1996 Criminal-Procedure Reform on China’s Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Role at the Pretrial State” (Part 2), Perspectives, vol. 5, No. 1 (March 31, 2004).

Yu Ping. “Glittery Promise vs. Dismal Reality,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 35 (2002).

Zan Aizong, and Wang Yi, Wen Kejian, Xu Xiang, Wu Yisan, Zeng Fu, Mo Daoqian: Citizen Proposal to the National People’s Congress for the Investigation of the issue of the legality of the ‘Twin Regulations’ of the Ruling Party, May 3, 2007. [昝爱宗、王怡、 温克坚、徐祥、武宜三、曾 夫、莫道前: 关于要求全国人大会议对执政党"双规"合法性问题进行审查的公民建议信, 2007-03-05.]

Zhao Guoqun,  ed. On Justice: Chinese Lawyers Debate (Guangzhou: Huacheng Press, 2005). [赵国群 (著), 与正义有关: 中国律师纵横谈, (广州: 花城出版社, 2005).]

Zhu Jingwen. Report on China Law Development: Database and Indicators (Beijing: People’s University Press, 2007). [朱景文 (主编), 中国法律发展报告: 数据库和指标体系 (北京;中国人民大学出版社, 2007).]

Laws and regulations

Charter of the All-China Lawyer Association, April 4, 1999, [中华全国律师协会章程, 1999-4-28].

Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, December 4, 1982 (last revised March 2004).

Criminal law of the People’s Republic of China, March 1997 (last revised June 26, 2006).

Criminal procedure law of the People’s Republic of China, March 1996.

Law on lawyers of the People’s Republic of China, Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, adopted May 15, 1996  (last revised October 28, 2007, effective June 1st, 2008) [全国人民代表大会常务委员会: 中华人民共和国律师法, (2007年10月28修订后) 2008年6月1日起施行].

“Notice on Earnestly Implementing the Law on Lawyers, Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China,” March 13, 2006 [ 中华人民共和国最高人民法院: 关于认真贯彻律师法 依法保障律师在诉讼中执业权利的通知, 2006-9-27 ].     

“Decision of the Central Party Authorities Regarding the Strengthening of the Work of the Courts and Procuratorates,”,  [“中共中央关于进一步加强人民法院、人民检察院工作的决定”, 人民法院报, 2006-6-30].

“Regulations on a number of issues concerning the implementation of the criminal procedure law, Jointly issued by the Supreme People’s Court, Public Security Ministry, State Security Ministry, Justice Ministry, National People’s Congress Standing Legal Work Committee,” January 19, 1998. [最高人民法院 最高人民检察院, 公安部, 国家安全部, 司法部, 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会: 关于刑事诉讼法实施中若干问题的规定, 1998-01-09].

“Methods for the management of lawyer’s professional licenses,” Ministry of Justice, Order No 46, November 25, 1996. [律师执业证管理办法, 1996-11-25, 司法部令第46号发布.]


Hu Jintao. “Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects: Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,” October 15, 2007 [“高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗 ━在中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会上的报告胡锦涛在中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会上的报告,” 2007-10-15.]

Luo Gan. “Bolstering the Teaching of the Concept of Socialist Rule of Law: Conscientiously Strengthening the Political Thinking of the Political and Legal Ranks,” Seeking Truth, Issue No. 433, June 16, 2006 [罗干, “深入开展社会主义法治理念教育切实加强政法队伍思想政治建设,” 求是, 2006-06 -16 (总433 期)].

———. “The Political and Legal Organs Shoulder an Important Historical Mission and a Political Duty during the Construction of a Harmonious Society,” Seeking Truth, Issue 448, February 1, 2007 [罗干, “政法机关在构建和谐社会中担负重大历史使命和政治责任,” 求是, 2007-02-01 (总448期)].

Wen Jiabao. Report on the Work of the Government delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress on March 5, 2007.

———. “Text of Chinese premier’s government work report at NPC session,” BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, March 5, 2006.

Wu Guanzheng. “Expand the Field of Preventing and Tackling Corruption at Its Source and Thoroughly Push Forward the Improvement of the Party's Work Style, the Building of a Clean Government, and the Struggle Against Corruption - Work Report by Comrade Wu Guanzheng at the Seventh plenary session of the CCP Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,” Xinhua News Agency, February 14, 2007.

Xiao Yang. “China's Top Judge Says Crackdown on Crimes Promotes Social Stability, Human Rights Protection,” People’s Daily Online (English version), March 13, 2007.

Zhao Dacheng. “Closure speech by vice-Minister Zhao Dacheng at the All-China National Lawyers Association training in socialist rule of law values,” website of the All-China Lawyers Association (, October 30, 2007 [“ 赵大程副部长在全国律师社会主义法治理念培训班结束时的讲话,” 中国律师网, 2007-10-30.]

———. “Speech by vice-Minister Zhao Dacheng at the Opening Training Session for Heads of Law Firms of the All-China Lawyers Association,” December 13, 2007 [赵大程副部长在“首届全国律师事务所主任培训班”上的讲话,” 2007-12-13.]

———. “Several Issues relating to the Administration of Lawyers,” Justice of China, November 2006, [赵大程,  “关于律师工作的若干问题”, 中国司法, 2006-11], pp. 9-14.