Glossary of Chadian Rebel GroupsThere are numerous rebel groups in Chad. Those listed below are only those that are relevant to this report. ANR Alliance Nationale de la Résistance (National Resistance Alliance) Chadian armed opposition group based in Darfur and active in eastern Chad, founded in 1994 by Mahamat Garfa, an ethnic Tama and the former Chief of Staff of Chads armed forces. Despite a January 2003 cease-fire, the ANR continued to exist under the political leadership of Mahamat Abbo Sileck, formerly the ANRs spokesperson. In October 2005, the ANRs military commander, Mahamat Nour Abdelkarim, formed the RDL, taking with him many former ANR combatants. CDR Conseil Démocratique Révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Democratic Counsel) Originally formed in 1979 by Ahmat Acyl, now under the leadership of Acheikh Ibn Oumar, a former minister of foreign affairs under Hissène Habré and then part of President Debys government. In 2006 CDR joined the UFDD alliance. CNT Concorde Nationale du Tchad (Chadian National Concord Movement) A largely Arab rebel group led by Hassan Saleh Al-Djinédi and formally allied with the RaFD. FDD Force pour la Démocratie et le Développement (Force for Progress and Democracy) Rebel group led by former Minister of Defense Mahamat Nouri, an ethnic Goran from the Anakaza subclan. The FDD was the seed group for the UFDD alliance (see below). FUC Front Uni pour le Changement (United Front for Change) Umbrella group formed on December 28, 2005 in Modoyna, Chad, that brought together eight rebel factions under the leadership of Mahamat Nour Abdelkarim. The eight groups included: RDL, SCUD, CNT,FNTR(Front Nationale pour le Tchad Rénové, National Front for the Renewal of Chad), CNR (Conseil National pour le Redressement, National Council for Recovery), FRRRT (Force pour le Ratissage, le Regroupement et le Redressement du Tchad, Force for the Cleansing, Reunification and Resurgence of Chad), Groupe du 8 Décembre, and FIDL. FUC was originally known as the Front Uni pour le Changement Démocratique au Tchad, FUCD (United Front for Democratic Change in Chad). The FUC joined the UFDD umbrella in 2006, but officially ceased to exist after December 24, 2006, when it signed a peace accord with the government of Chad. MDJT Mouvement pour la Démocratie et la Justice au Tchad (Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad) Principal rebel movement in northern Chad. Led by former Defence Minister Youssouf Togoimi, an ethnic Goran who began an armed rebellion against the Deby government in 1998, operating initially from his power base in the northern Tibesti Mountains. Togoïmi died in September 2002 and was succeeded by Aboubakar Choua Dazi. In December 2003 MDJT and the government signed a peace accord that was rejected by MDJT hardliners. The MDJT was associated with the FUC in 2006, though it was not known to have participated in hostilities against the Chadian state. MPRD Mouvement pour la Paix, la Reconstruction et la Développement (Movement for Peace, Reconstruction and Progress) Led by southerner Djibrine Dassert, a former associate of President Déby. The MPRD is credited with an attack on a Chadian military barracks outside NDjamena in November 2005. RaFD Rassemblement des Forces Démocratiques (Rally of Democratic Forces) An umbrella group comprised of: SCUD, a group led by former army commanderSéby Aguid (Aguid was killed in a clash with Chadian security forces in December 2006), and a third groupunder Ramadane Bokhit. Its fighters are Zaghawa defectors, principallyfrom the Republican Guard. The RaFD is allied with the CNT as the RaFD-CNT. RaFD-CNT A rebel alliance comprised of the RaFDand theCNT. RDL Rassemblement pour la Démocratie et la Liberté (Rally for Democracy and Freedom) Ethnic Tama group led by Mahamat Nour Abdelkerim, composed of many former ANRmembers. Responsible for attacks on Adré and Adé in eastern Chad in December 2005 and on NDjamena in April 2006. The RDL merged with several other Chadian anti-government armed groups on December 28, 2005 to create the FUC. RPJ Rassemblement Populaire pour la Justice (Popular Rally for Justice) An ethnic Bourogat-Zaghawa group led by Abakar Tolli, a high-level Chadian government defector and the uncle of Chadian Finance Minister Mahamat Abbas Tolli. The RPJ participated in the December 2005 Adré attack alongside the RDL and eventually joined the FUC, with Abakar Tolli taking the title of second vice president, and then joined the UFDD alliance in 2006. SCUD Socle pour le Changement, lUnité et la Démocratie (Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy) Made up of deserters from the Chadian government and armed forces, mostly from the ruling Zaghawa ethnic group. Led by Bideyat Zaghawa Yaya Dilo Djerou, along with two of President Débys nephews, Tom Erdimi (formerly Débys headof cabinet and coordinator of Chads oil development), and his brotherTiman (former director of Cotontchad, Chads cotton parastatal). SCUDeventuallymerged into the RaFD. UFDD l'Union des Forces pour la Démocratie et le Développement (Union of Forces for Democracy and Development) Rebel alliance built around the FDD. The UFDD also includes the CDR; a dissident faction of the FUC led by Abdelwahid Aboud Makaye; the UFPD (l'Union des forces pour le progrès et la démocratie, Union of Forces for Progress and Democracy); RAFAD, (La Résistance Armée contre les Forces Anti-Démocratiques, Armed Resistance against Anti-Democratic Forces); RND (Rassemblement National Démocratique, National Rally for Democracy); and RPJ. |