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Recommendations to Republika Srpska Authorities

To all Republika Srpska authorities with competence concerning investigation and prosecution of war crimes

  • Implement without delay all decisions of the Human Rights Chamber/Commission and the Constitutional Court on cases of forced disappearance, including by carrying out rigorous criminal investigations with a view to bringing the perpetrators to justice and to providing the relatives of the victims of forced disappearance with information as to their fate.
  • Focus a greater part of the Ministry of the Interior’s budget for war crimes investigations on crimes committed in Republika Srpska against the non-Serb population.
  • Amend legislation in Republika Srpska to enable the recruitment of specialist investigators in district prosecutorial offices.
  • Recruit, and provide necessary funding for, additional prosecutors and support staff who are dedicated to the prosecution of war crimes. There should be sufficient capacity amongst prosecutors and staff responsible for prosecution of war crimes to attend proper and effective training necessary to carry out their duties. The Center for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training should organize working visits of prosecutors in charge of war crimes prosecutions to the ICTY, as well as training involving ICTY practitioners as instructors. Attendance should be compulsory for district prosecutors involved in war crimes investigations.
  • Instruct local police on the importance of their cooperation with war crimes prosecutors and with the investigation of all war crimes allegations, including those perpetrated by Bosnian Serbs against non-Serbs.
  • Develop a witness protection program. At a minimum, the program should provide for the transfer of witnesses to locations other than their places of residence; protection of the witnesses’ family members; police escorts; home protection; and the protection of witnesses’ personal information. The Center for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training should initiate regular training on the treatment and protection of particularly vulnerable witnesses.

To district prosecutors

  • In those cases in which the ongoing trials or investigations concern wartime offences and disclose prima facie violations of humanitarian law, amend the charges to reflect those violations.
  • Request that the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council authorize increases in the number of district prosecutors working on war crimes cases if current staffing proves insufficient, and consider the establishment of special war crimes departments in each district.
  • Request approval from the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council for the recruitment of a greater number of law clerks, whose tasks would include assisting those prosecutors in charge of war crimes prosecutions.
  • Make full use of available sources of information relevant to the investigation, including information gathered by nongovernmental organizations, and ICTY transcripts and other material. Request that the Chief Prosecutor arrange access to the ICTY Evidence Disclosure Suite.

To the Chief Prosecutor of Republika Srpska

  • Endorse requests to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council for increases in the numbers of district prosecutors and law clerks working on war crimes cases.
  • Develop jointly with the Office of the Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina modalities for cooperation to enable Republika Srpska prosecutors to access ICTY material to which the Office of the Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina has access.

To Bosnia and Herzegovina Central Authorities

To legislative and judicial authorities

  • In the short-term, allow for the transfer of proceedings in war crimes cases against Serbian and Croatian citizens, respectively, to Serbia and Montenegro and to Croatia, subject to agreement by the authorities in each country that they will facilitate the participation of Bosnian witnesses in proceedings.
  • Adopt legislation enabling the recruitment of specialist investigators in prosecutorial offices.

To the Office of the Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Develop jointly with the Chief Prosecutor of Republika Srpska modalities of cooperation to enable Republika Srpska prosecutors to access the ICTY material to which the Office of the Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina has access.
  • Establish a focal point in the special war crimes department to manage requests for assistance from Republika Srpska district prosecutors and to facilitate contact with the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor.

To the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council

  • In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Republika Srpska, provide mechanisms for an increase in the number of prosecutors and law clerks in those prosecutorial offices in which the current staff is insufficient to handle the increased caseload of war crimes cases.
  • Expedite the creation of the criteria for assessing the work of the district and cantonal prosecutors. Standards for measuring the output of the prosecutors in charge of war crimes prosecutions should reflect the exceptional investment of time and resources necessary for the proper investigation of war crimes.

To Relevant International Actors

To the governments of Croatia and of Serbia and Montenegro

  • Provide specific guarantees to facilitate participation of Bosnian witnesses in all war crimes cases transferred by the Bosnian authorities for trial before courts in Croatia and in Serbia and Montenegro . This could include, for example, giving witnesses the option of providing testimony through a video link in every case transferred by the Bosnian authorities.
  • Undertake the necessary measures to abolish the existing ban in the countries’ respective constitutions on the extradition of nationals to other states to stand trial for the most serious crimes, including war crimes.

To the European Union and its member states, the United States government, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and other relevant actors of the international community

  • Ensure that accountability for war crimes and effective criminal prosecutions are consistently prioritized in relations with the authorities in Bosnia and in Republika Srpska.

To the international donor community

  • Provide material assistance to district courts in Republika Srpska, including computers for all prosecutors and their staff, as well as the technology allowing for testimony to be given via video link, and equipment to disguise the voice or conceal the face of a witness.  

To the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

  • Establish communication with the Chief Prosecutor of Republika Srpska and the district prosecutors working on war crimes issues, to develop modalities to provide district prosecutors with access to the ICTY’s Evidence Disclosure Suite and Judicial Database, and for their use of other ICTY evidence, and assist in training.
  • Cooperate with the Center for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training in order to facilitate expert training for prosecutors and investigators and enable the transfer of expertise in the prosecution of war crimes to domestic tribunals.

To the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission to Bosnia

  • Extend war crimes trial monitoring to include the investigative phase, with a particular focus on monitoring the use by prosecutors in charge of war crimes prosecutions of potential sources of evidence about war crimes.

<<previous  |  index  |  next>>March 2006